Law Homework Help

Law Homework Help. MCJ 518 Excelsior College Correctional System Public Service Announcement Video Script


Part 1

Before proceeding, please watch the following video:

INSTRUCTIONS: You will create a public service announcement.

First, create a public service announcement regarding the state of the prison system on which you conducted the SWOT analysis. (Clarence Correctional Centre – Australia and Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre) Please see swot attached for clarity. 

  • Focus on raising awareness about how the prison system works.
  • You can choose to make the public service announcement either proactive to provide general information to an uninformed public or reactive in response to a real current issue facing the prison system.
  • You can choose the format of your public service announcement but you should look at the PSA Example link below for inspiration.
  • After you have created your public service announcement, post it to the discussion board.

Part 2

Prisons are amplifiers of infectious diseases such as the coronavirus because social distancing is virtually impossible inside, and movement in and out of facilities is certainly common. One theory is that if prison officials make considerable changes, they have the power to prevent COVID-19 deaths in custody.

First, view the following videos:


For this assignment, assume that you are the Superintendent of Security for a prison in the system you have focused on previously in this module (Banksia Hill Juvenile Detention Centre, Australia) and you have been given the following task:

Based upon the above videos as well as your own research, create your own 2-5 minute personal video press release taking a position based upon Video A or Video B:

  • If choosing Video A, announce that prisoners with less than a year left on their sentence (regardless of the crime) will be released up to eight months early and more than 2,000 people are set to be released next week from area prisons. It is also expected that 1,000 additional people will be released in the coming weeks and months.
  • If choosing Video B, announce that despite the menacing pandemic explosion in the area, releasing violent criminals into the community would make neighborhoods unsafe. You have decided to increase bail for certain prisoners in an effort to ensure prisoners return and ensure heightened sanitation efforts, the frequent testing of inmates and staff, as well as offering vaccinations as soon as available.  

Remember that good press release addresses the who, what, when, where, why, and how of a situation.

Law Homework Help