Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. CSIS 208 Liberty Create a Web Site Application Using ASP.NET Computer Programming Task


Create a simple webpage to show details all about you and details about one missionaryWe were all created in His image, and your instructor would like to conclude this eight-week journey with knowing a little about you.You will create a simple web site application using the ASP.NET Web Application template in Visual Basic.Please see the following requirements for each of the required three pages.

  • Updates to Site.Master
    • Title – CSIS 208 Scott Leishman
    • Change the application name to CSIS 208 Scott Leishman
    • Change the font size of the application name to the title to x-large 24 
    • Change the footer text to be CSIS 208 Scott Leishman
    • Include a Home, About, Bible Verse Page, Missionary Page
    • Remove the Register and Log in links from the web site template if found
  • Default Page
    • Add a Title All about me
    • Add an introduction to your website
    • Add an image of your choice with a short description of the image (Image 1 attachment) >>> This was a photo I took near a park close by. I have a love of macrophotography. 
  • Bible Verse Page
    • -Set title to My favorite Bible Verse
    • Show your favorite Bible Verse (John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.) <<<<USE THIS
    • -Provide a short description why it is your favorite ( During my time in the military, we often used this verse as kind of our guidance, that there is no greater love than to lay our own life down for our buddies, and would do so willingly.) 
    • -An image of your choice (Image 2 attachment)
  • About Page
    • Change the Page Title to About Me
    • Remove the period in the first line of the Main Content Section
    • Provide a short description of your major, how much time you have left, your motivation for attending school, and what your dream job would be.  (Aviation Management, 60 Credits,  want to use the remainder of my GI Bill, dream job I currently do, air traffic control, but would like to eventually move on to airport management). 
    • Provide a picture of yourself (Attachment 3) 
  • Missionary Page
    • Create a new page
    • Add details about one missionary of your choice ( Paul the Apostle, often considered to be the most important person after Jesus in the history of Christianity. In his own day, although he was a major figure within the very small Christian movement, he also had many enemies and detractors, and his contemporaries probably did not accord him as much respect as they gave Peter and James. Paul was compelled to struggle, therefore, to establish his own worth and authority.) 
    • Provide a picture of the missionary (Attachment 4)

      This is very important to follow this exactly. I have also provided the attachments and labled them as such.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Networking Foundations & Points Dedicated to Line Processing Lab Report


Given a list of courses and their prerequisites, compute the order in which courses must be taken so that when taking a courses, all its prerequisites have already been taken.
All the files that the program would read from are in Unix format

You must create a directed graph corresponding to the data in the file.

  1. The graph will have as many vertices as different courses listed in the file.
  2. You can represent the vertices and edges however you want.

For each line in the file, the code can extract the first course and the prerequisites for it.
If you cannot process each line in the file correctly, you can use a modified input file that shows on each line, the number of courses, but you would lose the 15 points dedicated to line processing. If your program works with the “easy files”, in order to make it easy for the TAs to know which file to provide, please name your C program courses_graph_easy.c.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of California Irvine Data Exploration & Visualization Case Study


  • Call the head() function on lobsterland and look at your results.
  • How many rows of the dataset are visible in Jupyter now?
  • Take a look at lobsterland’s shape attribute.
  • Using the value_counts() function, determine how many times each number of first aid visits occurred during the summer season of 2020.
  • In a single line of code, use the groupby() function to organize the dataset by days of the week, and use the describe() function to view summary statistics about how Total Revenue varies by day of week.
    • What do you notice about this relationship?Summarize what you see here in a couple of sentences, and explain why this does or does not fit with what you would intuitively expect.
  • In this analysis, we will not use the variable LOW.TEMP.Remove this variable from your dataframe, and use another line of code to show that the variable is “really” gone.

a.How many rows, and how many columns, are in this entire dataframe?

a.Now, use the value_counts() function again, in the same way, but this time, write normalize=True inside the parentheses of the function.How were the first and second results different?

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Driver Program and Menu System Java Project


“Complete PP15.8 as demonstrated in the lecture. Make sure to match the driver program and menu system I feature in the lecture. The instructions for PP15.8: Implement an OrderedList using an ArrayList.”

The requirements are in the video. 

From minute 46:08 to 52:15. 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. San Diego State University HTML CSS Javascript Toggle Code


JavaScript Toggle Assignment 

For this assignment, you need to write a code to toggle the background color of your page between white and black when clicking on a button. The text on your button also needs to toggle between ‘Night Mode’ and ‘Day Mode’. Please watch the video below to see what you should achieve when completing this assignment:

Play media comment.

How to start:

  • Create a basic HTML document with correct structural elements such as <head>, <title>, <body>, etc.
  • Name your HTML document ‘LastName_FirstName.html
  • Create a button on your page using HTML. Add a heading and a paragraph explaining what your button is doing something similar to what is shown in the example above.
  • Use javascript and CSS to let users toggle between Day and Night mode by clicking on your button.
  • Use embedded CSS and JavaScript to keep all your codes in one document (use <style> and <script> tags within your HTML document) – it would be easier to submit just one file that includes everything for this assignment.

Minimum Requirements:

  • A webpage with a title, a heading, a paragraph, and a button.
  • Clicking on the button must change the body background color from white to black and from black to white (toggle effect)
  • Clicking on the button must change the button’s text from ‘Night Mode’ to ‘Day Mode’ and from ‘Day Mode’ to ‘Night Mode’ (toggle effect)

Tip: You can use JavaScript’s toggle( ) method and attach it to a class that you defined in CSS.

Please note that you can create your toggle button using any method that you like and using JavaScript toggle is just a suggestion.

How to Submit:

Once your code is completed and tested, please upload your ‘LastName_FirstName.html’ file as your submission for this assignment. 


This assignment has 100 points that go towards the followings:

Content – Use of required elements on the page (20 pt)

  • Title (5 pt)
  • Heading (5 pt)
  • Paragraph (5 pt)
  • Button (5 pt)

Webpage functionality (60 pt):

  • Toggle the background color from white to black and from black to white with every click (30 pt)
  • Toggle the button’s text from ‘Night Mode’ to ‘Day Mode’ and from ‘Day Mode’ to ‘Night Mode’ with every click (30 pt)

Code structure and Correctness (20 pt):

  • The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code must be correct and written in an organized structure (e.g. proper use of head and body elements, proper nestings, proper indentations, proper placement of <style> and <script> tags)

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. American InterContinental University Write a Console Program C Programming Task


You will write a console program that will generate a random number based on lower and upper range inputs.

  • Create a console program where you will implement variables that are needed for this program and will implement the code within Main and any static methods that are called.
  • The program will take inputs for a range of integer numbers, a low end of the range, and a high end of the range. These two integer numbers will be used to generate a random number that will be displayed.
  • The program will consist of Main and three void methods.
  • The first method will request the low number for the range and the high number in the range. It will then pass the two range numbers to a second method.
  • The second method will take the two numbers passed to it and will generate a random number within the range. It will then pass the two range numbers and the random number to the third method.
  • The third method will take the three numbers passed to it and display them to the console in the format indicated in the sample output below.
  • Main will only have one line of code which will call the first method.
  • The first method will call the second method and the second method will call the third.

You should format your output to look something like the following:

Enter the low integer range number: 1

Enter the high integer range number: 1000

Random number from range 1 and 1000 is 710

Press any key to continue . . .

This will require some analysis of the problem before coding is accomplished.

Submit this challenge to the link provided below.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. COVID 19 vaccine R Project


Your employer has asked you to run some analyses on COVID-19 vaccine distribution to San Francisco residents.  The data can be found on DATASF (“COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Given to San Franciscans by Demographics Over Time “) and is updated daily.  Your job is to fully understand the problem and the current state of the data. Your assignment is to investigate and answer some new questions.

Questions to answer:

1.  Explain any difficulties you encountered getting the data read into RStudio.  Explain why you chose to read it directly from the online repository versus downloading the file and using it locally (or vice versa). 

2. The analysis is to work with the data since December 2020.  How many first doses had there been before the COVID-19 restrictions lifted on June 15th in SF? How many first doses had there been after the lifting? How many first doses had there been as of September 12th, 2021?

3. Repeat question 2 by breaking it down by type of vaccine (single-dose versus those that require two doses). 

4. Since December 2020, what month had the highest number of vaccinations doses, regardless of type? What month had the lowest number of vaccinations? Interpret any seasonal patterns.

5. Create one visualization that shows the first doses by racial demographic over time.

6. Create one visualization that shows the administering of a) first dose of a two-dose vaccine, b) second dose of a two-dose vaccine, and c) first dose of a single-dose vaccine, all over time. 

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. William Rainey Harper College Car Loan Amortization Calculation Application


For this assignment, you’ll build an application that calculates the car loan amortization (month by month breakdown for the life of the loan). Prompt the user to enter in the amount of the car loan, the APR, and the car payment per month including interest. The final output of your program should break down the monthly output for the user with the final line showing the total amount paid, total interest paid, and the number of months it took to pay off the car.


If the user enters a car loan amount of 20,000 with an APR of 4.5 and monthly payment of 350, the output should look something like this. Note that formatting won’t be graded very harshly here for spacing, but it’s important to make sure you have the number values on each line as shown below and that you are formatting money values as currency (ahem… .ToString(“C”)).

Calculations from month to month will use what’s known as simple interest to determine the interest charge each month. Here’s a breakdown of how it’s calculated and your task will be translating this all to C#:

Determine the monthly interest rate by dividing the APR entered by the user by 12. Then divide by 100 since this is a percent

4.5 / 12 / 100 = 0.00375

Calculate the interest for the current month using the current balance. Make sure you round this to 2 decimal places to prevent rounding errors from month to month (use Math.Round for this since you actually want to round the number value instead of just format it for display):

21000 * 0.00375 = 78.75

Calculate the principle paid for the current month by subtracting the interest from step 2 from the payment

350 – 78.75 = 271.25

Calculate the remaining balance by adding the interest to the previous balance and subtracting the payment

21000 + 78.75 – 350 = 20728.75

Repeat this until the balance gets down to 0

Most likely, there will be a special case in the last month where the total payment left doesn’t match the balance + new interest. In that case, you’ll need to adjust the amount paid as shown in this example

Keep track of the total amount paid and total interest to print on the final line.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Starting Your Own Online Business and The Jumbotron Program


You are starting your own online business. Like most new businesses, you are broke so you cannot hire a web developer. Lucky you took this class.

Go to You want to create a similar two navbar format at the top followed. You can change what the links say to meet your business. You will have your company logo set up similar to what Target has done.

These two Navbars will be followed by a Jumbotron. Inside the Jumbotron, you will have the name of your business, a couple of lines telling the viewer what your business is all about and a picture appropriate to your business.

At the bottom of the page you will place a navbar as well using the same links as Target has used.

Programming Homework Help