Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. University of California Irvine Data Exploration & Visualization Case Study


  • Call the head() function on lobsterland and look at your results.
  • How many rows of the dataset are visible in Jupyter now?
  • Take a look at lobsterland’s shape attribute.
  • Using the value_counts() function, determine how many times each number of first aid visits occurred during the summer season of 2020.
  • In a single line of code, use the groupby() function to organize the dataset by days of the week, and use the describe() function to view summary statistics about how Total Revenue varies by day of week.
    • What do you notice about this relationship?Summarize what you see here in a couple of sentences, and explain why this does or does not fit with what you would intuitively expect.
  • In this analysis, we will not use the variable LOW.TEMP.Remove this variable from your dataframe, and use another line of code to show that the variable is “really” gone.

a.How many rows, and how many columns, are in this entire dataframe?

a.Now, use the value_counts() function again, in the same way, but this time, write normalize=True inside the parentheses of the function.How were the first and second results different?

Programming Homework Help