Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Colorado State University Global Internet Acceptable Use Policy Paper


You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers four key areas as your final project due in Module 8 (as explained in the Portfolio Project Option #1 overview). In this second milestone, you will submit the second area–Internet Acceptable Use Policy. Please draft this policy portion of your final project.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. data mining, predictive analytics and machine learning sections.


Please check the pdf file for better understanding of questions.

Q1. This assignment requires understanding the concepts explained in data mining, predictive
analytics and machine learning sections.
(a) For this exercise, your goal is to build a model to identify inputs or predictors that differentiate risky
customers from others (based on patterns pertaining to previous customers) and then use those inputs
to predict new risky customers. This sample case is typical for this domain. The sample data to be used
in this exercise is CreditRisk.xlsx .
The data set has 425 cases and 15 variables pertaining to past and current customers who have borrowed
from a bank for various reasons. The data set contains customer-related information such as financial
standing, reason for the loan, employment, demographic information, and the outcome or dependent
variable for credit standing, classifying each case as good or bad, based on the institution’s past
Take 400 of the cases as training cases and set aside the other 25 for testing. Build a decision tree model
to learn the characteristics of the problem. Test its performance on the other 25 cases. Report on your
model’s learning and testing performance. Prepare a report that identifies the decision tree model and
training parameters, as well as the resulting performance on the test set.
You can use either R (and related packages e.g., rattle Package) or a GUI-based software Weka.
To use Weka go through Learning Resource for Weka decision tree
See R resources posted in the blackboard.
(b) Using the same dataset also develop a Neural Network (NN) model using either R or Weka
(Multilayer Perceptron)
(c) Compare and evaluate the model performances of decision tree and NN. (use 10-fold cross
validation and Leave-one-out for classification assessment). Also generate ROC plots. Explain and
discuss the results.
(d) How can you improve the prediction accuracy? What are the pre-processing or post- processing
steps required to improve the accuracy? Finally, implement them to show that they really improve

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. C Programming Impact of Linux versus Windows in Memory Allocation Discussion



This assignment covers material presented in the chapter ‘Memory Management & Operating Systems’. You can refer particularly to the following lessons in order to help you working through your solution:

Memory Allocation Schemes: Definition & Uses

Paged Memory Allocation: Definition, Purpose & Structure

Page Replacement: Definition & Algorithms


  • Consider the below settings to begin this project and keep them in mind:

Total Memory size = 20 Kbyte

  • Page size = 1 Kbyte

Run the following list of jobs given the above considerations.

  • Job IDStart TimeJob required sizeExecution intervalJob state at the end of the interval1127End2238Sleep3346End4436Sleep5529Sleep6636Sleep7726Sleep

Using the functions you studied in the previously mentioned code that implement the different allocation, deallocation and replacement schemes, try three different scenarios in order to manage memory allocation for the following jobs

Job IDStart TimeJob required sizeExecution intervalJob state at the end of the interval8834Sleep9955Sleep101028Sleep111146End121265Sleep21336End41334Sleep131353End71323End91744Sleep1019211End61936End520210Sleep421312Sleep1222613End82239End928511End53323Sleep434310End538210End

Show the memory state for the different scenarios and analyze which choice is the best. Discuss the impact that Linux verses Windows might have on the ending memory state.

Here’s the sample code:

#include <stdio.h>

//Process struct to create an object with the attributes needed

struct Process {

int processID;

int processingTime;

int waitTime;

int turnAroundTime;

//add arrivingTime;

int arrivingTime;

//add is Processing

int isProcessing;


//This will calculate the Wait Time for each Process according to the algorithm

struct Process * calculateWaitTime (struct Process queue[], int size) {

for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {

queue[i].waitTime = queue[i – 1].processingTime + queue[i – 1].waitTime;


return queue;


//This will calculate how much time it takes for a process to wait and be executed

struct Process * calculateTurnAround (struct Process queue[], int size) {

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

queue[i].turnAroundTime = queue[i].processingTime + queue[i].waitTime;


return queue;


//This will give us an average of the waiting time for each process

void averageWaitingTime (struct Process queue[], int size) {

float average = 0;

int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

average += queue[i].waitTime;



average = average / count;

printf(“Average Waiting Time: %fn”, average);


//This function helps to swap items in an array

void swap(struct Process *a, struct Process *b) {

struct Process t = *a;

a = b;

*b = t;


//This method aids the pivot for Quick Sort

int partition (struct Process queue[], int low, int high) {

int pivot = queue[high].processingTime;

int i = low – 1;

for (int j = low; j <= high – 1; j++) {

if (queue[j].processingTime <= pivot) {





swap(&queue[i + 1], &queue[high]);

return (i + 1);


//This is a recursive implementation of the Quick Sort

void quickSort (struct Process queue[], int low, int high) {

if (low < high) {

int pi = partition(queue, low, high);

quickSort(queue, low, pi – 1);

quickSort(queue, pi + 1, high);



//First Server First Come scheduling algorithm

// void firstServeFirstCome (struct Process queue[], int size) {

// queue = calculateWaitTime(queue, size);

// queue = calculateTurnAround(queue, size);

// averageWaitingTime(queue, size);

// }

//Shortest Job Next scheduling algorithm

void shortestJobNext (struct Process queue[], int size) {

quickSort(queue, 0, size – 1);

queue = calculateWaitTime(queue, size);

queue = calculateTurnAround(queue, size);

averageWaitingTime(queue, size);


// Round Robin

struct Process * roundRobin (struct Process queue[], int size, int quantum) {

int iterator = 0;

int flag = 0;

int time = 0; //The time variable to manage waiting, turnaround and incoming processes

quickSort(queue, 0, size – 1);

//This while loop is to control the whole scheduling

while (flag == 0) {

//This loop is to make sure every process is only executed within the quantum

for (int k = 0; k < quantum; k++) {

queue[iterator].isProcessing = 1;

int flagProcessingTime = 0;

//Since we are not using Threading, this loop is to make sure every process is considered within each time unit

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

//This will make sure that we only affect the process that has actually arrive at the scheduler

if (queue[i].arrivingTime <= time && queue[i].processingTime > 0) {



* If the process isProcessing, remove processing time.

* It is not processing, just add to the wait time.


switch (queue[i].isProcessing) {

case 1:




case 0:








queue[iterator].isProcessing = 0;

//Once all processes get to 0, this will finish execution of the scheduler

if (flagProcessingTime == 0) {

flag = 1;





iterator = iterator % size;


averageWaitingTime(queue, size);

return 0;



int main() {

//Array with processes with their id and processing time

struct Process queue[] ={ {1, 6, 0, 0}, {2, 8, 0, 0}, {3, 7, 0, 0}, {4, 3, 0, 0}, {5, 1, 0, 0}};

//This will help determine the number of items in the array

//int size = sizeof(queue)/sizeof(struct Process);

int size = 5;

//firstServeFirstCome(queue, size);

shortestJobNext(queue, size);

//roundRobin(queue, size, 1);

printf(“ProcessID Processing Time Wait Time Turnaround Time n”);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

printf(“t %d ttt %d tttt %d ttt %d n”, queue[i].processID, queue[i].processingTime, queue[i].waitTime, queue[i].turnAroundTime);


return 0;



Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Diablo Valley College Nested Looping C+ Programming Project


everything is attached with all the requirement and don’t forget the screenshoot& coments

everything is attached with all the requirement and don’t forget the screenshoot& coments

everything is attached with all the requirement and don’t forget the screenshoot& coments

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Trident University Data Abstracts Stacks and Queues Java Programming Task



Write a Java program to accomplish the following tasks. After you are done, send the original Java code, along with screenshots of the result.

  1. Create an empty stack.
  2. Add 5 numbers to the stack.
  3. Reverse the order of these numbers in the stack.

Hint: After pushing 5 numbers to the stack, pop them to an empty queue, then transfer the data to the stack (this is only one of the solutions).

Alternative Assignment

Write a Java program to accomplish the following tasks. After you are done, send the original Java code along with screenshots of the result.

  1. Create an empty queue.
  2. Add 5 numbers to the queue.
  3. Reverse the order of these numbers in the queue.

Hint: After adding 5 numbers to the queue, pop them to an empty stack, then transfer the data to the queue (this is only one of the solutions).

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Arduino UNO Project (must know Arduino very well)


This project I have started on it, is physically built and I have photos to show where pins are.

This is a robot that should self-drive and follow a phone, connected via Bluetooth and respected with the compass and GPS modules attached as well. I have a servo motor attached to a drawer that I want to be a function to be able to open close potentially with voice recognition if possible if not then with the terminal. This robot is to be controlled by the Dabble app and to work for both Android and IOS users. I will attach a .ZIP with the files I’ve done so far. I have originally made this code work for Blynk but since it doesn’t connect with IOS devices I want to use Dabble now, I will have a pdf attached with the parts listed.

The purpose of this robot is to follow the person with the phone and to have an on/off feature for if the user wants the robot to stop following or to start following. as well as in the terminal have a way for the user to input coordinates to be able to send the robot.

the diagram is accurate except we r using a big battery and strong motors so we r using 2 motor controls. software wise it would be the same as if there’s 1 because we r splitting the signal to both. the rear motor control has a left and right motor and the front motor control has a left and right motor. Here is a pastbin link for the code to look at before picking up the question.

Please only pick up this question if you have experience with Arduino code

Programming Homework Help