Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Arduino UNO Project (must know Arduino very well)


This project I have started on it, is physically built and I have photos to show where pins are.

This is a robot that should self-drive and follow a phone, connected via Bluetooth and respected with the compass and GPS modules attached as well. I have a servo motor attached to a drawer that I want to be a function to be able to open close potentially with voice recognition if possible if not then with the terminal. This robot is to be controlled by the Dabble app and to work for both Android and IOS users. I will attach a .ZIP with the files I’ve done so far. I have originally made this code work for Blynk but since it doesn’t connect with IOS devices I want to use Dabble now, I will have a pdf attached with the parts listed.

The purpose of this robot is to follow the person with the phone and to have an on/off feature for if the user wants the robot to stop following or to start following. as well as in the terminal have a way for the user to input coordinates to be able to send the robot.

the diagram is accurate except we r using a big battery and strong motors so we r using 2 motor controls. software wise it would be the same as if there’s 1 because we r splitting the signal to both. the rear motor control has a left and right motor and the front motor control has a left and right motor. Here is a pastbin link for the code to look at before picking up the question.

Please only pick up this question if you have experience with Arduino code

Programming Homework Help