Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Capetown Introduction to Unix Linux Question


Can you help me understand this Linux question?

choose 3 different Linux flavors – also called “distros” (distributions) – and research them. Write a summary paragraph about each one, for a total of 3 paragraphs. Include a references section at the end of your assignment with active links to all the sources you use.


  • Don’t use Ubuntu for this assignment.
  • Your work will be checked against the Safe Assign database, so please don’t copy your work from someone else.

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Indiana Wesleyan University Visual Basic Net Programming Project


  1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
  2. Read Chapter 6 and selected sections of Chapter 9 in Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic (11 Edition), and complete Application discussion practicing basic concepts of repetition and looping.
  3. Start with a new Visual Studio project. Write a Visual Basic program to address the requirements of Chapter 6’s “Programming Projects,” #8. Individual Retirement Account.
    1. Create form as depicted in the exercise (Figure 6.84).
    2. Additionally, include:
      1. A DropDownList combo box containing possible interest rates (at least 4%, 5%, 6%, and 7%)
      2. A Picture Box control for Larry and for Earl with a relevant image for each. Clipart Panda is recommended. Please review the Usage Terms for Clipart Panda.
      3. A Timer control
      4. (Optional) A scrollable List Box to display annual value of the IRA account of each person after compounding interest and adding the appropriate annual deposit—assists is debugging looping and calculation logic
      5. All additional controls listed in 4.4 Assignment item 2.b.
    3. Write the Visual Basic program to address the requirements of the exercise including:
      1. Being sure to compound interest and add the annual deposit in the correct order.
      2. The Calculate Amounts button will base compounding on the selected interest value in the DropDownList (default is 4%).
        1. Hint: Only attempt other interest values after you are sure your compounding works with 4%.
      3. The Picture Box images will display when the final retirement results are displayed.
      4. After results are displayed, the Timer control will cycle the image display (visible/not visible) every five seconds. It will stop the display cycle after six timer .Tick events (remember “lifetime of variables” in Chapter 5) with the image remaining visible.
    4. (Optional) Create a multiple form calculator.
      1. Add the Individual Retirement Account form to the multiple form project created in Workshop 4.
        1. Using the technique in Section 9.3, “Importing an Existing Form.”
        2. Add the Individual Retirement Account form to the existing project.
      2. Modify the Login Form.
        1. btnContinue should reflect that it calls the Loan Calculator form.
        2. An additional “IRA Calculator” button will display a “modal” IRA form created in this workshop.
    5. Apply all standards as depicted in 1.5 Assignment, introduced in the textbook, and reinforced in discussion forums.
    6. Remember: do not flounder. Use the Collaboration Forum to pose questions and share learning.
  4. Be sure to File>Save All your work (never use “Save As”). Close and exit Visual Studio.
  5. Create submission zip archive.
    1. Make a new folder including student name – “WorkshopFive LastNameFirstName” as in “WorkshopFive LovelaceAda”
    2. Copy exercise project folder to the submission folder.
    3. Create zip archive of the submission folder. In Windows Explorer, right click folder name, select “Send to” and

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. ABC Community Hospital Java Code


Alldetails attached. Write a class called Hospital that accepts the following indicators:

  • A five digit string value representing the patient identification number
  • The patient’s name (First name and last name)
  • An integer representing the number of days the patient is in the hospital.
  • A single character representing the type of room the patient chooses. Room type (P/p= private, S/s means semi-private, and W/w means ward)

As part of the billing, note the following:

  • If a patient chooses private room, the cost for medication is twice what it is shown on the billing chart; if the patient chooses semi-private, then the cost for medication is what is shown on the billing chart; and if the patient chooses ward, then the medication cost is half what is shown on the billing chart.
  • A patient who chooses private room pays for television service and telephone service; a patient who chooses semi-private room pays for television service, and a patient who chooses the ward gets television and telephone services free. These are flat fees (one time fees).

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Text Analytics in R- Analyzing Tweets in R



  1. Using the attached files of around 3200 tweets per person, show a histogram (frequency distribution) of the tweets of both Dave and Julia. Use `UTC` to create the time stamp. Remember that the case of column headers matters.
  2. Make a dataframe of word frequency for each of Dave and Julia. Plot the frequencies against each other. Include a dividing line in red showing words nearby that are similar in frequency and words more distant which are shared less frequently.
  3. Create a stacked chart comparing the odds ratios of the top 15 words used by each tweeter. Remove twitter handles from the list of words. Calculate the word usage ratios (usage v. total) and display it on a log scale. Do you notice any interesting differences? Does anything stand out as a difference?


Using the tweet files:

  1. Create time series charts for each tweeter showing how word usage has changed over time. Show for three words. You may have to manipulate a parameter to show Comment your code, line by line.
  2. Show a graph for each tweeter revealing the ten words with the highest number of retweets. Comment your code, line by line.

Here is link to Text

use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my windows and word doc of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. R Programming-Text Analysis


Part 1

  1. Create a chart showing the words with the greatest contribution to positive or negative sentiment in the AP articles. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Create charts showing the terms with the highest tf-idf from each of four selected inaugural addresses. Eliminate the ? term. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  3. Create charts showing over time how the frequency of the terms god, america, foreign, immigrant, union, constitution, and freedom have changed over time. Each term should be in it’s own chart. Include a smoothed regression line with confidence interval. Label your axes. Label the chart with the word in question. Comment your code line by line. (Note the lower case initial letters of proper nouns. Does this make a difference in your analysis?)

Part 2

  1. Show stacked bar charts of the most common terms within each of 2 topics from the Associated Press articles in the topicmodels package. Color the charts by topic. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Show a stacked bar chart showing the words that have a Beta greater than 1/1000 in at least one topic with the greatest difference in Beta between topic 1 and topic 2. comment each line of your code

Here is link to Text

use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my windows and word doc of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. Analysis Tweets in R



  1. Using the attached files of around 3200 tweets per person, show a histogram (frequency distribution) of the tweets of both Dave and Julia. Use `UTC` to create the time stamp. Remember that the case of column headers matters.
  2. Make a dataframe of word frequency for each of Dave and Julia. Plot the frequencies against each other. Include a dividing line in red showing words nearby that are similar in frequency and words more distant which are shared less frequently.
  3. Create a stacked chart comparing the odds ratios of the top 15 words used by each tweeter. Remove twitter handles from the list of words. Calculate the word usage ratios (usage v. total) and display it on a log scale. Do you notice any interesting differences? Does anything stand out as a difference?


Using the tweet files:

  1. Create time series charts for each tweeter showing how word usage has changed over time. Show for three words. You may have to manipulate a parameter to show Comment your code, line by line.
  2. Show a graph for each tweeter revealing the ten words with the highest number of retweets. Comment your code, line by line.

Here is link to Text

use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my windows and word doc of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. TEXT ANALYTICS -I’m working on a r exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better


Part 1

  1. Create a chart showing the words with the greatest contribution to positive or negative sentiment in the AP articles. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Create charts showing the terms with the highest tf-idf from each of four selected inaugural addresses. Eliminate the ? term. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  3. Create charts showing over time how the frequency of the terms god, america, foreign, immigrant, union, constitution, and freedom have changed over time. Each term should be in it’s own chart. Include a smoothed regression line with confidence interval. Label your axes. Label the chart with the word in question. Comment your code line by line. (Note the lower case initial letters of proper nouns. Does this make a difference in your analysis?)

Part 2

  1. Show stacked bar charts of the most common terms within each of 2 topics from the Associated Press articles in the topicmodels package. Color the charts by topic. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Show a stacked bar chart showing the words that have a Beta greater than 1/1000 in at least one topic with the greatest difference in Beta between topic 1 and topic 2. comment each line of your code

Here is link to Text

use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my windows and word doc of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help