Programming Homework Help

Programming Homework Help. TEXT ANALYTICS -I’m working on a r exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better


Part 1

  1. Create a chart showing the words with the greatest contribution to positive or negative sentiment in the AP articles. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Create charts showing the terms with the highest tf-idf from each of four selected inaugural addresses. Eliminate the ? term. Show all the code from the necessary packages untll you can produce the chart. Comment your code line by line.
  3. Create charts showing over time how the frequency of the terms god, america, foreign, immigrant, union, constitution, and freedom have changed over time. Each term should be in it’s own chart. Include a smoothed regression line with confidence interval. Label your axes. Label the chart with the word in question. Comment your code line by line. (Note the lower case initial letters of proper nouns. Does this make a difference in your analysis?)

Part 2

  1. Show stacked bar charts of the most common terms within each of 2 topics from the Associated Press articles in the topicmodels package. Color the charts by topic. Comment your code line by line.
  2. Show a stacked bar chart showing the words that have a Beta greater than 1/1000 in at least one topic with the greatest difference in Beta between topic 1 and topic 2. comment each line of your code

Here is link to Text

use your words so that there is no plagiarism. I need the rmd file so that I can execute the code on my windows and word doc of the output you executed. Always repeat the question you are answering. Thank you!

Programming Homework Help