Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. FNU Anatomy Case Study Lab Report


In the first document that is attached is the case, where there are several questions and all of them must be answered. In the second attached document is the rubric by which you have to be guided. The case study must have all questions answered following all the points of the rubric. I also need to know what was the item that was used

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Glendale Community College Microbiology Processes and Techniques Questions


I’m working on a Microbiology question and need guidance to help me study.

  1. Acid fast staining is good for identifying what type of organism?

– gram-positive bacterium

– Aoeba’s

  • mycobacterium

2. Before giving blood the clinician rubs your skin with alcohol. This is an example of what type of microbial control?

  • aseptic technique
  • Anti-septic technique
  • Sterilization
  • Degerming

3. Do Protozoa have a nucleus?

  • Yes
  • No

4. During mitosis the centrioles are on the opposite side of the chromosome and pull them apart during what phase?

  • metaphase
  • anaphase
  • telophase
  • prophase

5. How do we make sure sterilization happens?

  • run a full cycle and auto clave
  • Soak in soap and water for one hour
  • Spray with 10% bleach and 90% water mixture wipe immediately
  • Wipe it alcohol

6. A patient is put on Humira to treat an inflammatory autoimmune disease. If aspergillus infects the lungs of this individual, this would be an example of what type of fungal disease?

  • superficial
  • systemic
  • subcutaneous
  • opportunistic

7. If you get a cut is hydrogen peroxide the preferred antimicrobial to put on them or want?

  • Yes
  • No

8. In reference to previous question. Why or why not is Hydrogen Peroxide side good?

  • yes it is good – it only harms harmful bacteria
  • No it is not good- does not kill enough microbes to be useful
  • No it is not good to use- it destroys the cell walls of all living cells regardless if they are pathogenic or not
  • Yes it is good – kills all of the pathogenic microbes

9. If you have giraridia what infected you?

  • bacteria
  • fungus
  • Worms
  • Protozoa

11. In order to sound intelligent instead of just being considered gross, you inform your houseguest the hair is just some Hyphae? What is Hyphae?

  • bacteria slime
  • long strands of bacteria
  • an antioxidant
  • used for reproduction of mold

12. In order to treat H. Pylori (common cause of stomach ulcer) you’re prescribed both amoxicillin and clarithromycin. Why are you prescribed two antibiotics?

  • The synergistic effect of these antibiotics make them stronger
  • Each Antibiotic works better on a different region of the body
  • To kill the bacteria faster
  • In case H. Pylori is resistant to one of them

15. Lichens are a form of what kind of relationship?

  • none of the above
  • Symbiotic
  • Dysfunctional
  • Parasitic

16. Life has been found on the Solar de Uyuni (salt flats of Bolivia) it was a form of bacteria. What type would it be?

  • Mycoplasm
  • Hyperthermaphile
  • Halobacterium
  • Methanobacterium

17. Located on the floor of the ocean there are several volcanic (steam) vents. Vent the steam from inner earth. Life was found on these vents. What type would it be?

  • Protozoa
  • Halophile
  • Hyperthermophile
  • Methanobacterium

19. Many fungus form sacs that will eventually pop and spread fungus. What is the sac referred to?

  • spore
  • cyst
  • Mycellum
  • Crypt

20. White blood cells moving a small bacteria. When the White blood cell catches the bacteria what is the method of destruction used?

  • Neutralizing (blocking receptors)
  • Phagocytosis
  • None of the above
  • Lysis

21. Penicillium is a form of what kind of microorganism?

  • bacteria
  • Protozoa
  • mold
  • Algae

22. Rapidly heating juice to a very high temperature for a very short period of time, then calling it quickly, in order to make it shelf stable, is what form of microbial control?

  • ultra high temperature pasteurization
  • Ultra high temperature sterilization
  • Flash pasteurization
  • Batch pasteurization

23. What structure in a fungi cell wall is unique to fungi?

  • Peptidoglycan
  • Phospholipid
  • Waxy
  • chitin

24. Tinea versicular (small white dots on skin surface) would be what kind of Mycoses?

  • systematic
  • subdural
  • subcutaneous
  • cutaneous

26. What algae contains chlorophyll in it?

  • Green
  • red
  • brown
  • Chartreuse

27. What are Lichens?

  • mold
  • Algae
  • A combination of algae and fungus
  • Worms

28. What are helminths classified as?

  • Prokaryotes
  • Animals
  • Plants
  • Protozoa

30. What is Mycoses?

  • bacterial infection
  • Helminthes infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Viral infection

31. What kind of microbe is Paramecium classified as?

  • Bacteria
  • Fungus
  • Worms
  • Protozoa

33. What is the vector for malaria to get into humans?

  • Ticks
  • Fleas
  • Mites
  • Mosquito

35. What part of bacteria stores the information needed for survival?

  • Cell wall
  • Plasmid
  • Nucleus
  • Ribosome

36. Where would you most likely find an enterobacteria?

  • Skin
  • Intestines
  • Airways
  • Blood

37. Which of these has a waxy cell wall?

  • Gram negative bacteria
  • Gram positive bacterium
  • Amoeba’s
  • Mycobacterium

38. Which of these has the same type of cell wall as humans?

  • Gram negative bacteria
  • Gram positive bacterium
  • Amoeba’s
  • Mycobacterium

39. Which of these is not classified as a eukaryote?

  • Amoeba
  • Helminthes
  • Protozoa
  • Bacteria

40. Which one of these has a three layer cell wall?

  • gram negative bacterium
  • Amoeba’s
  • Gram postive bacterium
  • Mycobacterium

41. Who is credited with the notion of “an illness is specific to a certain pathogen”?

  • Pasteur
  • Koch
  • Felmming
  • Erlich

42. You get infected with Mrsa ( methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus). What did you get?

  • A very dangerous cluster of balls
  • A very dangerous chain of rods
  • A very dangerous cluster of rods
  • A very dangerous row of balls

47. One of the most important functions we can do to prevent the spread of microbes was discovered by Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. What did he promote?

  • antibiotics
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Handwashing
  • The auto clave

48. You observe a slide under a microscope and the bacteria is a pinkish color. What are the two classifications it could be?

  • mycobacterium
  • Fungus
  • Gram-negative
  • Gram-positive

49. Your friend comes home from a trip to Bangkok with the brand new tattoo written in Thai. You ask what it says and inquire if the needle was clean. Your friend claims the title says awesome dude standing here and of course the needle was clean, it was wiped with alcohol. What type of microbial control happened? (can be multiple answers)

  • Degerming
  • Sanitation
  • Sterilization
  • Disinfecing

50. What type of microbial Control must be done to prevent the spread of disease on a needle? (can be multiple answers)

  • sanitation
  • disinfecting
  • sterilization
  • Degerming

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Columbia Southern University Weight and Artificial Selection Questions



Which do you think has more influence on a person’s weight: genetics, upbringing, or the environment? Why do you think this is so? Is a person’s weight a single genetic trait, a qualitative trait, or a quantitative trait? Discuss and support your response with examples.

Question 2

Describe the difference between artificial selection of organisms and genetically modifying organisms. Include examples that support your response.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Magnetic Field Due to A Current Carrying Wire Lab Report


The general technique for both parts of this lab will be the same, it’s simply a matter of what stays constant and what varies. For part 1 the length of “wire” on the card that is stuck into the magnetic field will remain constant and I go through values of current up to around 5 amps. For part 2 the current remains fixed but I use cards that have different lengths of “wire” to put into the magnetic field.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ASTR Glendale College Parallax Application on Astronomy Discussion


Consider the following discussions and write a minimum 3 sentence response to each discussion by Wednesday 4/28 at 11:59 P.M.

1. Suppose we wanted to send a satellite to orbit Pluto at 40 AU away from the Sun to measure the parallax of stars…name 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of measuring parallax near Pluto versus measuring on the Earth’s surface.

2. We have encountered objects that have entered our solar system from other solar systems (‘Oumuamua is the most famous example…feel free to research this object if you have never heard of it before). What if our solar system encountered another star system today…what would happen to the Sun in that scenario? Would the Earth survive such an encounter? Why or why not?

3. What if the Sun had been born in a tertiary (3 star) system…do you think the Sun would have evolved to be a G star like it is now or would the Sun have evolved into a different type of star? How would planets form in such a system? Where would the habitable zone be located approximately (or would there be one)?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ASTR 120 Glendale College Astronomy Ranking Task Star Evolution Questions


This Main Sequence Ranking Task Exercise is an exercise to help you prepare for possible questions on E xam 3. Feel free to use your Chapter 11 Canvas notes to help you with this exercise…also feel free to email me if you have questions or issues with the assignment. The Main Sequence Ranking Task exercise is a fillable pdf document so you can put your answers in the document and submit it to Canvas by Thursday at 11:59 P.M. (note: no late papers will be accepted).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Richland Community Characteristics of Different Bacteria in Microbiology Lab Report



1.How is this count selective for yeast and molds?

2.Were the organisms on your plates distinct and separate or were they spreading?

3.What can be added to the media to reduce the amount of spreading colonies?

4.What added media are used to recover molds from food with reduced a_w? Why is this done?

5. Give an example of types of food that is normally spoiled by yeast,fungi or bacteri.

6. List the three groups that fungi can be divided into.

7. Explain three important uses of fungi.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College Data Visualizations Lab Report


Explore the data.

I want you to load the data, look through it, and then, make it tell a story! To do this, I want you to

  1. Really dig into what is there with all of the tools we have at our disposal.
  2. Sit down and write out what kind of story you want to tell. What do you want to learn from this data? Write out a paragraph. Or two!
  3. Sketch out any data visualizations you might want to make. With pencil and paper – just a theoretical example of what it might look like.
  4. Start a fresh .R file and, in comments, sketch out the steps you will take and what you will do.
    4a. Note, for all data viz, don’t just use defaults. Get creative. Make this look like something that we wouldn’t be surprised to find in a magazine or newspaper. Feel free to use alternate themes – even from ggthemes or other places. Google around.
  5. Once finished, move the code into a .Rmd file to create a nice, clean, HTMl file that tells a story. Show how you processed the data. and make the visuzliations.
  6. If you are a superstar, create a second story! Or dig into a different package – see for a partial list or google around – and see if it can be used to tell a different story.

Science Homework Help