Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. ASTR 120 Glendale College Astronomy Ranking Task Star Evolution Questions


This Main Sequence Ranking Task Exercise is an exercise to help you prepare for possible questions on E xam 3. Feel free to use your Chapter 11 Canvas notes to help you with this exercise…also feel free to email me if you have questions or issues with the assignment. The Main Sequence Ranking Task exercise is a fillable pdf document so you can put your answers in the document and submit it to Canvas by Thursday at 11:59 P.M. (note: no late papers will be accepted).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Richland Community Characteristics of Different Bacteria in Microbiology Lab Report



1.How is this count selective for yeast and molds?

2.Were the organisms on your plates distinct and separate or were they spreading?

3.What can be added to the media to reduce the amount of spreading colonies?

4.What added media are used to recover molds from food with reduced a_w? Why is this done?

5. Give an example of types of food that is normally spoiled by yeast,fungi or bacteri.

6. List the three groups that fungi can be divided into.

7. Explain three important uses of fungi.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College Data Visualizations Lab Report


Explore the data.

I want you to load the data, look through it, and then, make it tell a story! To do this, I want you to

  1. Really dig into what is there with all of the tools we have at our disposal.
  2. Sit down and write out what kind of story you want to tell. What do you want to learn from this data? Write out a paragraph. Or two!
  3. Sketch out any data visualizations you might want to make. With pencil and paper – just a theoretical example of what it might look like.
  4. Start a fresh .R file and, in comments, sketch out the steps you will take and what you will do.
    4a. Note, for all data viz, don’t just use defaults. Get creative. Make this look like something that we wouldn’t be surprised to find in a magazine or newspaper. Feel free to use alternate themes – even from ggthemes or other places. Google around.
  5. Once finished, move the code into a .Rmd file to create a nice, clean, HTMl file that tells a story. Show how you processed the data. and make the visuzliations.
  6. If you are a superstar, create a second story! Or dig into a different package – see for a partial list or google around – and see if it can be used to tell a different story.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. San Diego State University Causes of Genetic Mutation on the RNA Sequence Paper


For the first notebook check, please upload a document (word, PDF, or either with images of hand-written notes [if you take notes by hand, typed is fine as well]) with notes that you took for Quiz 1 (“StatQuest: A gentle introduction to RNA-seq” and a few brief notes about file types) as well as key importances of R (“R programming for beginners – Why you should use R”).

Watch the following video for an introduction to RNA sequencing:

StatQuest: A gentle introduction to RNA-seq (Links to an external site.)

Also, read the following article about different types of files you will encounter when working with RNA-seq data:

RNA-seq File Formats Tutorial (Links to an external site.)

In word document please write notes from those two videos

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Florida International University Domestic Water Use Analysis Discussion


I’m working on a environmental science case study and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

For this week’s assignment, you’ll write a one-page reflection report about domestic use water analysis.

Your one-page reflection should include:

A general overview of the significance of domestic use water analysis, including a minimum of two citations.

A discussion of the methodology and importance of tannin test, double displacement reaction of AgNO3 and NaCl, activated charcoal, and water hardness.

  • A concluding paragraph reflecting on what you learned about domestic use water and how you can help keep our water clean.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. De Anza College Environmental Science Environment Protection Question


Here are the directions/expectations for the paper:

Prompt: Pick three of the five lifestyle changes from the Lifestyle Project.pdf handout, and, in approximately 5-pages (1.5-2 spaced) describe how they can be implemented on a larger scale (community/town or city/county/state/federal level… you don’t have to do each level, but pick one). Make sure to explain not just WHY it would be good to implement the changes, but HOW you would implement them (for example, if you try to pass a law limiting how much a person can drive, what alternative modes of transportation would be provided).

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Stamford University Major Differences Between Scypha & Hydra Body Forms Discussion


I’m studying for my Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

What major differences between Scypha and Hydra body forms? List and describe them.

Science Homework Help