Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic Questions


I’m working on a geology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please make sure to find the answers from Chapter 6 and 7, I attached the two chapters below, thanksv

1- (5) How much warmer was the planet 65 million years ago?

2- (10) What caused the temperature to change?

3- (5) How much warmer was the surface air temperature in the Arctic that it was in the 1981-2010 period?

4- (10) What are the two methods used for determining ocean temperature changes? Explain how they show temperature changes.

5- (15) Describe the three hypotheses for cooling during the past 50 million years.

6- (10) How do we know about sea level, temperatures, and climate or the past?

7- (10) What are the limiting CO2 contents for glaciation on Greenland and Antarctica?

8- (40) Explain delta O18 and how it reveals past ice and ocean temperatures.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Middle Tennessee State University Surface Air Temperature in the Arctic Questions


I’m working on a geology question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Please make sure to find the answers from Chapter 6 and 7, I attached the two chapters below, thanksv

1- (5) How much warmer was the planet 65 million years ago?

2- (10) What caused the temperature to change?

3- (5) How much warmer was the surface air temperature in the Arctic that it was in the 1981-2010 period?

4- (10) What are the two methods used for determining ocean temperature changes? Explain how they show temperature changes.

5- (15) Describe the three hypotheses for cooling during the past 50 million years.

6- (10) How do we know about sea level, temperatures, and climate or the past?

7- (10) What are the limiting CO2 contents for glaciation on Greenland and Antarctica?

8- (40) Explain delta O18 and how it reveals past ice and ocean temperatures.

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Long Island University Issues of the Mitral Valve Prolapse Questions


I’m working on a anatomy writing question and need an explanation to help me study.

Part II – Cardiac Involvement
Mr. Helms was admitted to the hospital with chest pains and shortness of breath. His wife was panicked since her 72
year-old husband had a history of heart disease. After examination and an echocardiogram, Dr. Collins spoke with
Mrs. Helms. “I’m very sorry, but your husband has had another heart attack resulting in valve failure. A papillary
muscle that controls a valve in his heart has been severely damaged and is no longer working.”

1. What is the purpose of blood f ow?

2. Describe blood fow through the heart starting with blood entering the right side of the heart and including all
chambers and valves.

3. What is the function of heart valves?

4. What is the function of papillary muscles?

5. Which valve is afected with damage to the papillary muscle in the left ventricle?

Part III – Cardiovascular Involvement
Dr. Collins called Nurse Nan from the patient’s room and confded, “Mr. Helms is in bad shape. His left
posteromedial papillary muscle was damaged from his heart attack. Te papillary muscle is no longer able to maintain
closure of the valve, and this has resulted in mitral valve prolapse. With decreasing cardiac output, this patient is in for
a fght for his life.” Nurse Nan knew that maintaining cardiac output was necessary for adequate blood f ow through
the body. As Dr. Collins walked away, Nurse Nan composed herself to tell Mrs. Helms the bad news and returned
to the patient’s room. Nurse Nan explained to Mrs. Helms that her husband had left-sided heart failure and that his
blood pressure was slowly and steadily decreasing.

1. In general, how is the direction of blood fow disrupted because of mitral valve prolapse?

2. Does the mitral valve prolapse increase, decrease, or not change stroke volume (the amount of blood exiting the
ventricle with each ventricular contraction)?

3. How does mitral valve prolapse decrease cardiac output (the amount of blood exiting the ventricle per minute)?

Part IV–Mrs. Helms was very upset with the news of her husband’s condition. As the day progressed, she noticed that Mr. Helm’s breathing was increasingly difcult. He could barely speak without losing his breath. Mrs. Helms called the nurse to her husband’s room. “My husband can’t breathe! What is wrong? I thought he had a heart attack not a respiratory condition!” Nurse Nan auscultated the patient’s chest listening to Mr. Helms’ respirations, which were rapid and wet, producing rales or crackling sounds. Nurse Nan calmly informed Mrs. Helms, “I’m sorry. Your husband’s condition is worsening. Te damage to his heart is causing his respiratory problems.”

1. If the bicuspid (mitral) valve is not fully closing, does pulmonary circulation increase, decrease, or not change

2.describe blood fow with right-sided heart failure

3.What are 2 possible causes of right-sided heart failure?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. NURS 4199 Hcc Student Introduction Career Aspirations and Course Expectations Discussion


Student Introduction, Career Aspirations & Course Expectations 

After review of the syllabus, course overview, attestation, and discussion board etiquette.

1. Submit a brief introduction of yourself, your current nursing career aspiration, and your expectations for this course. 

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Southern New Hampshire University Physics Course Reflection Paper



Throughout this course, you have learned about a number of physics concepts and even conducted experiments that demonstrate how physics impacts your daily life. For this reflection, you are being asked to consider how this experience has impacted your understanding and perception of physics.

In your reflection, describe how your perception of physics has changed since beginning this course. Consider the following:

  • Are you more aware of the impact that physics has on your daily life?
  • Have you changed the way you view or do something in either your personal or professional life based on a new understanding of a concept?
  • What was the most significant concept that you learned?
  • Were there any shifts in your understanding of a particular concept? If so, what was that concept and how did it change?

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of California San Diego Electric Field Lab Report


follow the instruction in the pdf then you will be good to start the lab.

Recall: Coulomb’s Law describes the electrostatic force between small point
electric charge q1 and q2 at rest (or nearly at rest) and separated by a distance r:
Where = 8.85×10-12 C
is the permittivity constant and
k = 8.99×109 Nm2
is the electrostatic constant or the Coulomb constant

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. University of California San Diego Charges & Forces Lab Report Questions


follow the instruction in the pdf then you will be good to start.

We are surrounded by devices that depend on the physics of electromagnetism,
which is the combination of electric and magnetic phenomena. This physics is at
the root of computers, television, radio, telecommunications, household lighting,
etc. This physics is also the basis of the natural world. Not only does it hold
together all the atoms and molecules in the world, it also produces lightning,
auroras, and rainbows.

this link is for the lab game Charges & Fields Lab (

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help

Science Homework Help. Georgia Military College Disease Control QEP Evaluation Lesson Questions


  1. Open the “QEP Evaluation Lesson” and view the slides
  2. Review the website provided in the lesson, and learn about the CRAAP test
  3. Select the link for GMC’s reasoning skills definitions, and learn about the elements of critical thinking
  4. Continue to review the entire lesson prior to returning to the assignment section. It is important for you to understand the assignment rubric, and formulate ideas on how you will achieve the highest benchmark in each skill area
  5. Return to the first “Assignment” slide and follow the instructions
  6. Compose a response paper that addresses all questions in the “assignment” slides, making sure to include complete APA citations for the three (3) sources provided in the assignment

Science Homework Help