Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. University of Nairobi Banking System in the Islamic Setting Discussion


For this thought exercise, you will be engaging ONE academic source dealing with a particular definition of justice (in relation to other areas, depending on the source).

First, choose ONE of the attached articles to read (there is one from an atheist perspective, one from a Christian perspective, and one from a Muslim perspective). Of course there are many and diverse understandings of justice within atheism, Christianity, and Islam– these are just particular examples. Then, take your time and read the article, being sure to fully understand what the source is arguing. Note: this will likely take a significant amount of time and effort. Please expect that.

Then, once you are confident that you understand the content of the article, compose a two-part reaction to the article. Your reaction must include at least these two parts:

1. A summary of your source’s thesis and supporting arguments. This should take at least 1 page to complete (if you’re done with this part in less than a page, it’s likely you have missed some important information/arguments).

2. Your own assessment of the author’s arguments on the basis of ethics (meaning it would be a good idea to use some of the course material–like ethical theories we’ve covered–in order to evaluate the source you read this week). Do you agree or disagree with the source? Why? On what basis do you make your assessment? This should take at least 1-2 pages to complete (if you’re done with this part in less than 1-2 pages, it’s likely your thought needs to be more fully and deeply developed, supported, and/or explained).

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. AMST 140 AM Effects of Racial Profiling on Immigration in Washington DC Essay


Focusing on a cultural institution, community organization, or current issue, in D.C. the Research Paper is an opportunity for students to explore their personal interests. Prospective topics include accessory dwelling units, women’s rights, LGTBQ rights, homelessness, bike share lanes, D.C. statehood, education, gun control, immigration, Initiative 77, marijuana legalization, policing, sexuality, short term rentals/Airbnb, housing policy, the environment, transportation, new residential/commercial/government development, or zoning. The topic selected does not have to come from the list above but does need to relate to the course content, course outcomes, and have an objective connection to contemporary D.C. This means that while it is required to use historical content to frame a debate, the subject must have a contemporary corollary/connection that is articulated in the paper.

The Research Paper must use primary research and explore conflicting cultural perspectives on the issues as appropriate . It is critical to use the most current information on a topic and articulate the issue in the context of Washington, District of Columbia. Original digital media is permitted, but not required.

  • 6-7 pages
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • One inch margins on the sides
  • You may use internal section headings for your essay, but do not put the course name or other identifying information (your name, date, my name, etc.) on the document
  • Use of media (images, graphs, etc.) are permitted but they must be endnotes. Endnotes do not count towards the page count.
  • Paper should include an Introduction with a Thesis Statement, a Conclusion, and a Works Cited
    • The Introduction must make explicit connections between the Thesis Statement and Course Learning Outcomes
    • The Works Cited should start on a new page at the end of the document. It does not count towards the page length requirement.
  • Make explicit connections to Cultural Inquiry Learning and/or Course Learning Outcomes
  • Use parenthetical in-text citations with a works cited section using an accepted academic format
  • Twelve total sources must be used to earn full credit
    • Eight primary sources must be used. These sources cannot be materials unless they are designated as “Resources.”
    • 4 sources from course readings and viewings are required.
  • Lecture notes may be used as a source but do not count as a primary source. If you cite lecture notes, use the following format.
    • Important – Only cite lecture when directly quoting me or paraphrasing me discussing course material not located in the course syllabus. Otherwise, cite the original source.
    • Cite the notes as follows: (Gualtieri, CLASS #)
      • Example: (Gualtieri, Class 3)
    • Works Cited Entry: Gualtieri, Anthony. “TITLE OF CLASS.” AMST 140.002. American University, Washington, D.C. DATE
      • Example: Gualtieri, Anthony. “Early Communities.” AMST 140.002. American University, Washington, D.C. 6 Feb. 2020.

See Rubric for scoring guidelines.

Remember that the Research Paper Proposal is designed to serve as a material for your Research Paper.

Definition of “primary sources” – Primary sources are documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation. Primary sources are original documents created or experienced contemporaneously with the event being researched. These include letters, speeches, diaries, newspaper articles from the time, oral history interviews, documents, photographs, artifacts, or anything else that provides firsthand accounts about a person or event.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Broward Community College Acronym JAM Stands for Jazz Appreciation Month Questions


Exam #4 – 8:00AM MUL2010 Music Appreciation ClassTerm 2 -2021 (150 points)
April 29, 2021 8:30AM Final Class: Final Exam/Exam #4 Essay Due!
The Final Exam #4 is due on or before April 29, 2021 8:00AM! DO NOT BE LATE!
Complete the following questions for a grade.
Number your essay Parts and answers. Submit through the Desire2Learn class Email,
with the subject labeled as Final Exam #4.
If you have any questions please email me through the class Desire2Learn email.
Part 1 (100 points)
Go to the following website:
Investigate this site by clicking on the following sections under the JAM Menu:
Home; Partners; JAM FAQ; Events; 112 Ways To Celebrate Jazz; Logo and Posters;
Radio Announcements; Directory Of Jazz Societies
Use the information in the sections to answer the following questions.
1) What does the acronym “JAM” stand for?
2) When was “JAM” started?
3) Why was April chosen?
4) What Jazz musician is being celebrated this year in the poster?
5) Who designated JAM and which organizations are involved in promoting this effort?
6) What Jazz Societies are located in South Florida? List at least five.
7) What are some suggestions on how can you celebrate “JAM”? Give a list of five.
8) Click on the link under, Education “Today In Jazz History”. Look up your birthday.
What happened on your birthday?
9) What are some of the “Collections and Archives”? Give a list of five “Collections and
10) In the JAM Radio Announcements, what does Stanley Clarke mention in both
versions of his PSAʼs?
Part 2:
Video Sessions (50 points)
Go to the NPR Website (National Public Radio) at:
Watch the video and listen to the interview with the featured Artist, Ma Xiaohui
performing on the“erhu”, a traditional Chinese instrument.
First, listen to the interview, with Robert Siegel and the featured artist Ma Xiaohui.
This audio segment is call, “Listen: Ma XiaoHui plays and chats with Robert Siegel”.
Second, listen to the melody by Fritz Kreislerʼs “Liebesleid” at

Continue with the NPR interview, watch the two video segments on this webpage,
“Video: MaXiaoHui Tells the Story of Her Erhu” and “Video: Ma XiaoHui Performs”.
Use this information, from the links above, to answer the following questions.
1. In your own words, describe the musical performance that you are experiencing in
this “Video Sessions: The Sonorous Strings of the Erhu”.
Try to use musical terms, to describe the following musical elements of the
a. “musical texture”
b. “tempo”
c. “dynamics”
d. “pitch range”
e. “instrumentation”
2. Give some background about the “performance practices” on the erhu.
How is sound generated from the erhu?
Describe the instrument and how the sound is produced in these performances.
Include the following terms, “pizzicato”, “arco”, “violin”, in your answer!

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. MGT EME 415 Saint Leo University Technology Emergency Hazard Models Paper


In this assignment, you will write a paper on: “Understanding the impact different hazards could have on your community is essential in forming your planning and mitigation efforts. Describe the strengths and limitations of different hazard models and choose one model that fits your community and explain why you chose that model”. 

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. UCI Immanuel Wallerstein Global Capitalism & Hierarchical Systems Discussion


Question 1

Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: Immanuel Wallerstein claims that race and gender perform specific functions within the structure of global capitalism. How would you analyze intersections between these identity categories from his perspective? For instance, how could we think about a problem like violence against women of color, using the insights Wallerstein has given us? [limit 300-450 words]


Question 2

Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: Consider the passage below by Kimberlé Crenshaw on the intersection of race and gender (Crenshaw, p. 1252). What political problem is Crenshaw referring to in this passage when she talks about “The need to split one’s political energies”? Be sure to explain your answer with a careful interpretation of this text. [limit 300-450 words]

Crenshaw 1252.jpg


Please answer the following question in the space provided. You may work offline to draft and refine your response. However, your response must be submitted on this page. To receive full credit, the exam must submitted by the stated time and date. Be careful to observe the stated word limits.

You must complete this exam by yourself. All ideas and words submitted by you must be your own, unless they are attributed to someone else through a citation. Your grade will depend both on the accuracy of your answers and on their richness of detail and theoretical insight.

Question: In the passage below, Nancy Fraser says that race is a two-dimensional form of subordination (Fraser, p. 22-23). It is a matter both of culture (misrecognition) and economy (maldistribution). Do you think that Alain Locke would agree or disagree with this view? Be sure to explain your answer carefully. [limit 300-450 words]

Fraser 22-23.jpg

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. GCU Social Sciences Community Psychology Research Article Review


Critically evaluate three journal articles. Each journal article should be peer reviewed, current within the last 5 years and related to a topic in community psychology. You must pick a journal article from the American Journal of Community Psychology or the Journal of Community Psychology. Articles from other journals can be selected with instructor approval.

For each article:

  1. Summarize the main points of the article.
  2. Discuss the research methods utilized. Including the population studied, the sample, how the sample was chosen and the results.
  3. Evaluate the full study including limitations and any bias.
  4. Each article review should be 500-750 words in length. (1,500-2,250 words total).

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. EDG 1006 BCC Volunteer Service Hours in America Are They Really Necessary Essay


I need an essay done asking this prompt; this is for my GKE prep ask but I am recovering from covid and just dont feel good enough to do it.


The essay is for credit so it doesnt need to be amazing

Many colleges and universities require incoming students to have volunteer service hours for
admission. Determine whether or not high school students should be required to have
volunteer service hours to graduate.

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. Baton Rouge College Historically Black Colleges and Universities Essay


We’re going to keep talking about schools and teachers, but this time in the form of a comparison. For this assignment, you’ll be comparing historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and predominantly white institutions (PWIs). We will read a variety of articles concerning each of these types of institutions and it will be your job to lay out all of the facts. You might consider the differences in tuition, student body, professors, and anything else we discover together as a class. Ultimately, what information do high school students need in order to make the best decision for themselves? What information do you wish you had before committing to Southern?

Though you will have an opportunity to give your opinion in the conclusion, this paper is about practicing your ability to convey information without emotion. In other words, this paper will be based purely in factual evidence. It will be more like you are compiling all of the information for someone else, so that they can make an informed decision. It doesn’t mean you can’t suggest that HBCUs are far superior; it just means you’ll need the experts to say it for you instead of relying on your own opinions and experiences. The articles that we will read together should give you ample evidence to pull from, but you are free to do your own research if you need to fill out more information.

Structure:There are two ways to organize a comparison paper. One will have 4 total paragraphs and the other will have 5.

  • Each body paragraph considers one type of university (4 paragraph essay):
    • HBCUs
    • PWI
  • Or, each body paragraph a topic as it applies to both HBCUs and PWIs, in a 5 paragraph essay. For example, you might have a paragraph on the following subjects:
    • Tuition for both HBCUs and PWIs
    • Athletics for both HBCUs and PWIs
    • Diversity for both HBCUs and PWIs

i.Within this paragraph, you will discuss 3 points. For example, you may want to show how HBCUs offer a better sense of community, smaller class sizes, and wider scholarship availability.

i.And, in the other body paragraph, you might want to point out reputation, the potential to professionalize in sports, and university funding as aspects that make PWIs a potentially good choice for college.

In the first choice, each paragraph will consider a variety of concerns and one type of university. In the second, each paragraph will consider a topic for both PWIs and HBCUs. You are free to choose whichever form you prefer, and we’ll discuss both of them in class. Your conclusion will ultimate sum up what you’ve already shown, so that readers are reminded of your points.

Evidence:Regardless of the format you select, every paragraph needs to include at least one quote from an article we read together or that you found on your own. This means that every paragraph needs to feature a statistic, expert opinion, or some kind of logical evidence that proves what you assert. 

You will be graded on:

  • Picking one structure and sticking to it
  • An introduction that discusses the importance of this comparison
  • A thesis statement that expresses the importance of weighing your college options and makes it clear what topics you will cover. For example:
    • Before committing to a college, it is important to research the difference between PWIs and HBCUs, particularly regarding tuition cost, community, and athletic opportunity.
  • Topic sentences that clearly indicate what the paragraph will be about
  • Effectively integrated evidence (at least one per paragraph)
  • Effective analysis after evidence

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. St Cloud State University Islamic and Muslim Justice Perspective Discussion


For this thought exercise, you will be engaging ONE academic source dealing with a particular definition of justice (in relation to other areas, depending on the source).

First, choose ONE of the attached articles to read (there is one from an atheist perspective, one from a Christian perspective, and one from a Muslim perspective). Of course there are many and diverse understandings of justice within atheism, Christianity, and Islam– these are just particular examples. Then, take your time and read the article, being sure to fully understand what the source is arguing. Note: this will likely take a significant amount of time and effort. Please expect that.

Then, once you are confident that you understand the content of the article, compose a two-part reaction to the article. Your reaction must include at least these two parts:

1. A summary of your source’s thesis and supporting arguments. This should take at least 1 page to complete (if you’re done with this part in less than a page, it’s likely you have missed some important information/arguments).

2. Your own assessment of the author’s arguments on the basis of ethics (meaning it would be a good idea to use some of the course material–like ethical theories we’ve covered–in order to evaluate the source you read this week). Do you agree or disagree with the source? Why? On what basis do you make your assessment? This should take at least 1-2 pages to complete (if you’re done with this part in less than 1-2 pages, it’s likely your thought needs to be more fully and deeply developed, supported, and/or explained).

Note: as you can see, this assignment should end up being at least 2-3 pages total, or 4-6 minutes recorded.

Writing Homework Help