Writing Homework Help

Writing Homework Help. AMST 140 AM Effects of Racial Profiling on Immigration in Washington DC Essay


Focusing on a cultural institution, community organization, or current issue, in D.C. the Research Paper is an opportunity for students to explore their personal interests. Prospective topics include accessory dwelling units, women’s rights, LGTBQ rights, homelessness, bike share lanes, D.C. statehood, education, gun control, immigration, Initiative 77, marijuana legalization, policing, sexuality, short term rentals/Airbnb, housing policy, the environment, transportation, new residential/commercial/government development, or zoning. The topic selected does not have to come from the list above but does need to relate to the course content, course outcomes, and have an objective connection to contemporary D.C. This means that while it is required to use historical content to frame a debate, the subject must have a contemporary corollary/connection that is articulated in the paper.

The Research Paper must use primary research and explore conflicting cultural perspectives on the issues as appropriate . It is critical to use the most current information on a topic and articulate the issue in the context of Washington, District of Columbia. Original digital media is permitted, but not required.

  • 6-7 pages
  • Double spaced
  • 12 point Times New Roman font
  • One inch margins on the sides
  • You may use internal section headings for your essay, but do not put the course name or other identifying information (your name, date, my name, etc.) on the document
  • Use of media (images, graphs, etc.) are permitted but they must be endnotes. Endnotes do not count towards the page count.
  • Paper should include an Introduction with a Thesis Statement, a Conclusion, and a Works Cited
    • The Introduction must make explicit connections between the Thesis Statement and Course Learning Outcomes
    • The Works Cited should start on a new page at the end of the document. It does not count towards the page length requirement.
  • Make explicit connections to Cultural Inquiry Learning and/or Course Learning Outcomes
  • Use parenthetical in-text citations with a works cited section using an accepted academic format
  • Twelve total sources must be used to earn full credit
    • Eight primary sources must be used. These sources cannot be materials unless they are designated as “Resources.”
    • 4 sources from course readings and viewings are required.
  • Lecture notes may be used as a source but do not count as a primary source. If you cite lecture notes, use the following format.
    • Important – Only cite lecture when directly quoting me or paraphrasing me discussing course material not located in the course syllabus. Otherwise, cite the original source.
    • Cite the notes as follows: (Gualtieri, CLASS #)
      • Example: (Gualtieri, Class 3)
    • Works Cited Entry: Gualtieri, Anthony. “TITLE OF CLASS.” AMST 140.002. American University, Washington, D.C. DATE
      • Example: Gualtieri, Anthony. “Early Communities.” AMST 140.002. American University, Washington, D.C. 6 Feb. 2020.

See Rubric for scoring guidelines.

Remember that the Research Paper Proposal is designed to serve as a material for your Research Paper.

Definition of “primary sources” – Primary sources are documents, images or artifacts that provide firsthand testimony or direct evidence concerning an historical topic under research investigation. Primary sources are original documents created or experienced contemporaneously with the event being researched. These include letters, speeches, diaries, newspaper articles from the time, oral history interviews, documents, photographs, artifacts, or anything else that provides firsthand accounts about a person or event.

Writing Homework Help