Chemistry homework help

Chemistry homework help. For this assignment, you will create a professional résumé from the point of view of the mental health professional involved in the Initial Call discussion scenario. Taking on this role, create a one-page résumé using the resources provided by Ashford Career Services (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..Once you have completed your résumé, review the characteristics of the patient you chose for the Initial Call discussion. Consider how reading the résumé might have impacted the patient’s initial call. Evaluate how the reported symptoms and presenting problems may have been impacted by the content and presentation of your résumé, had the patient read this on your website prior to contacting you. Create this one- to two-paragraph evaluation on a new page in the same document as your résumé. Submit the document with the résumé and evaluation to Waypoint.The Creating a Professional Résumé assignmentMust be one to two pages in length (not including title and references pages) and must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submittedMust use at least two peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.Here’s the call scenarioThe patient would respond to call like this: “Catherine (patient) Hello, my name is Catherine and I am calling from Northern Florida. I needed to inquire more about psychotherapy. Kindly explain to me what psychotherapy is. Kindly also explain to me whether psychotherapy is real, for how long I can be in psychotherapy, how much time do you work in a day, what are the payment and whether my information is kept confidentially.       The tone can change rapidly or may continue as before all through the telephone call. Tone is communicated by your utilization of sentence structure, a man’s perspective, his lingual authority, and the level of custom in the telephone call (Morrison, 2014). The sort of tone that a patient can utilize is the one that communicates stress since they don’t have a clue about their much about their wellbeing status. The tone can change rapidly, or may continue as before all through the story. Tone is communicated by your utilization of linguistic structure, your perspective, your style, and the level of custom in your written work (Frances, 2013).       As somebody with companions/family who are experiencing some crap, and who battles with sadness, I figured I would pass these contemplations along. This isn’t for somebody who has a 24-hour stomach bug or a frosty. A wiped-out individual will talk only gradually since much of the time they don’t have enough vitality to yell to individuals. Through the little tone utilized as a part of talking, at that point they are guaranteed that no kilocalories have been utilized too much however the required sum by the body (Morrison, 2014).       The message that these sick people pass are in most cases understood but one needs to be attentive to capture what the sick individual is saying. However, the level of the sickness can be a determinant of the message relevance. Given that a person is so much ill, they can be under a lot of pressure to speak or even lack the energy to express them. The sick people do not have the energy to shout hence they require some deep attention from the person who is listening to the victim to be keen (Frances, 2013).       ReferencesFrances, A. J., & Nardo, J. M. (2013). ICD-11 should not repeat the mistakes made by DSM-5.Morrison, J. (2014). DSM-5® Made Easy: The Clinician’s Guide to Diagnosis. Guilford Publications.

Chemistry homework help

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