Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Write a 2 pages paper on advergaming and mobile advertising. Advergaming and mobile advertising Affiliation: Advergaming Describe the effort and its impactKellogg which is a food company has used advergaming to advertise the newest product in the market a cereal called Choco Krispis. The advergame on the cereal has four different games whose play duration enables an individual to be exposed to the brand. The advergame which has four different games has attracted many people to the brand through the games exposure ( needs were addressed by the campaign?The campaign addresses the need for a super fun cereal for kids and even adults on top of getting them to enjoy the video game together with the chocolate cereals. There has been need to have a different cereal than the usual wheat one and hence the introduction of the new chocolate cereals is needed, and the introduction is done through a medium that is liked by children: videogames.How was the selected medium more or less effective in addressing these needs than traditional approaches?The traditional advertising includes the use of television, posters and billboards and children of nowadays do not bother checking out such mediums. All they are interested in is the video games and especially those that are online. Advertising the product online in a videogame is the best way to attract the market for the chocolate cereals whose target is mostly children.How did the marketer address permission concerns? Was this even an issue?The company used Multi-Link Trunking (MLT) technology to help it access several links and servers in order to ensure that as many people as possible get the advertisement through the video game. Permission is not an issue but facilitation to the right channels is necessary when using the internet.What do you think the overall consumer experience was using this approach?Many people got to enjoy this product more since it was introduced to them through a medium they love. Sales of the Choco Krispis should therefore have gone very high due to the fact that the cereal box was fashioned to be used as the joystick in this advergaming.Mobile advertisingDescribe the effort and its impactTaco Bell has launched yet another food product beefy nacho burrito and is still using the mobile phone to advertise it. The advert is running through smart iPhones and hence many people with the iPhone have access to the advert through the applications. These adverts have made many people aware of the product and are buying it to try it out (Hasen, 2012).What needs were addressed by the campaign?There is need to have advertisements that will reach majority of the target group without the company struggling with the logistics of production of posters of billboards to attract attention of the presence of a new product. Taco Bell has therefore addressed the need for an easy to see advert that reaches majority of the target group with minimal effort.How was the selected medium more or less effective in addressing these needs than traditional approaches?Many people are now using their smart phones more than they used the other mobile phones due to its many convenient applications. Advertising a product through this highly used medium therefore ensures that many people will see it and act on it out of initial curiosity. This is however not possible if the advertisement channel used is the old fashioned one of posters. How did the marketer address permission concerns? Was this even an issue?In order to advertise on the mobile phones, the owner of the mobile company has to give permission for an additional application to be installed in the device. If the application is already there, just notification to the mobile phone company is required in order for the advert to start running. Since the advert is already in the iPhone, then Taco Bell has addressed the permission concern.What do you think the overall consumer experience was using this approach?Many people are excited about the new advertising strategy and medium and this is good for sales in all Taco Bells outlets since anyone with the iPhone wherever they are and views the advert can use GPS to locate the nearest Taco Bell place and head there to try out the new food product and this is very convenient.ReferencesHasen, J. (2012). Mobilized Marketing: How to Drive Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile Devices. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.http://blog.t-immersion.

Computer Science homework help