Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Ted Talk Response.With respect to empathy being relevant, the public at large can acquire correct information regarding the existing enmity between Americans and Iraqis. This understanding can also help in disregarding bogus information provided by media regarding conflicts taking place in Middle East countries. Since war against terrorism has been taken seriously but acts of terrorism continue to increase, it is the most crucial moment to re-think the strategies and re-structure approach strategies towards ending terrorism. Having watched Richard’s lecture, it would be a logical move to develop non-violent ways of dealing with terrorism. This is because terrorism is a result of retaliation prompted by stolen resources. Currently, people have a bad view regarding terrorism and Muslims are discriminated as being terrorists without knowing that their countries have been invaded and their natural resources are being used to help overseas countries while the Iraqi population continues to struggle in poverty. This standpoint can change if Americans respected other countries’ resources. The pre-conceived idea that the only way to end terrorism is to convert all Muslims to Christianity would change and the correct approaches be undertaken. Therefore, the lecture is useful in thinking about terrorism and ways of countering it. This is because people tend to protect their resources because resources determine their individual futures and the future of their country’s economic performance. With respect to empathy being relevan.

Computer Science homework help

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