Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Comparison and Contrast of Literary Pieces. It needs to be at least 2250 words.Jealousy serves to be one of the essential elements of human nature, which is observed by almost all humans, though its nature and intensity varies from one person to the other. The psychologist-theorists have also declared it as a normal human behavior, which urges the desire of competition and combating with the rivals in order to meet targets and achieve goals during the course of life. Men and women, according to Buss, are primed to perceive subtle indicators of potential infidelity, which in turn trigger jealousy suspicions. As a result, the fear regarding losing someone or something precious for one produces feelings of jealousy, which ultimately urges and instigates him to take revenge from the person responsible for causing the loss and depriving him of the person or thing he longs for. Since the writers appear to be one of the most sensitive social strata, they observe and perceive the slightest feelings of jealousy appear in the wake of the financial, material and emotional losses the individuals experience in their life. It is the authors in the works under investigation have elucidated the feelings of jealousy as well as the outcomes of the same in their respective works. While analyzing the Shakespearean tragedy Othello, it becomes evident that the play appears to be identifying the emotions of hatred and revenge in the human breast, which could only be revealed on the eve of the individuals’ expressing the same while dealing with the persons responsible for bringing miseries and woes to their life.

Computer Science homework help