Computer Science homework help

Computer Science homework help. This is an assignment that focuses on the analysis of a dataset containing AirBnB from Chicago. The paper also involves using data science strengths in analytics.,The analysis of a data set containing AirBnB from Chicago,In this assignment, you will analyse a dataset containing AirBnB data taken from the city of Chicago in SAS VA (data file is called AirBnB-Chicago2). Your team is responsible for undertaking research to present findings to a company trying to understand the AirBnB market in Chicago. To have an effective report, your group will need to identify a specific set of objectives or questions that can be addressed through data exploration (e.g., what type of properties lead to the best guest experience or prices). In addition, you should detail how the data analysis was conducted to ensure replicability. Before carrying out the analysis, each member must visit ,, and complete the survey to find your data science personality.,After establishing the data science team’s analytic strengths, you will analyse the data and prepare a written report that covers the following:, 1. Team overview: The establishment of your team and its capabilities, by sharing and consolidating your data science personality., 2. Data exploration: Explore the relationships in the dataset and provide a summary of the insights., 3. A short narrative recommending how the firm can use add open data, unstructured data or social media data to extend the dataset., The report covering the above has a limit of 2500 words, excluding figures, references and appendices.,The analysis of a dataset containing AirBnB from Chicago,Firstly, consider the points that you wish to make in this report and slide deck. Then, you should consider using tables and figures to present some material as they may help structure your argument., In preparing the assignment, you should place yourself in the role of an external consultant.  It is important that you provide your audience with information that is customised for their situation rather than producing material that reads like a generic textbook. You should therefore illustrate that you understand their context and priorities. In order to do this you will need to make some assumptions. You should state all assumptions in an appendix to your assignment. You may also need to undertake research to prepare your assignment. References in the report and slide deck should be provided in Harvard style.,Assessment Criteria, The following set of marking criteria are for the report and slides., Criteria Explanation Weight,Background and objectives, A set of well-articulated and justified objectives for data exploration and a well-justified explanation as to their suitability for the company (exploration). A well-considered analysis of your team data science personalities, revealing key skills and responsibilities. 15%,Analysis A detail and justification analysis of how data exploration was conduct. 35%,Evaluations and recommendations A well-articulated explanation of how data exploration meets the set objectives and also can provide useful insights for the organisation. 35%,Communication, The effective and coherent communication of information in a format suitable for a consulting report and presentation for senior management. Adherence to Business School presentation standards including Harvard referencing and the use of acceptable research materials. 15%

Computer Science homework help