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Computer Science Homework Help. Campbellsville University Operating Systems Discussion

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Student’s Post # 1by Navalkishore Gundoju – Sunday, October 31, 2021, 7:11 PMNumber of replies: 0

There are different Operating Systems in the world and each one is different from other. Some operating systems are compatible to all devices in the market but some are only available to particular devices such as Apple IOS. Here I want to compare the Linux with Windows operating system. Each operating system has own advantages compare with other operating system. Linux is the one of the most user friendly and it is alternative to Apple as well as the Windows. Linux mostly emphasis on the task execution and Linux offered various benefits over the windows.

Here are some advantages of Linux over the Windows

The first advantage is the cost, it is openly available in the market and no need to spend money to buy this operating system unlike Windows or apple. In the other hand, we need to buy licence product from Microsoft and we can only install in the one system. Linux we can be installed in the particular system and can be shared with other systems in the network (Hahm, O. 2017).

The second advantage is the security, it has more security features compare to Windows and adequately protect from various viruses.

Third advantage is the choices, it offers various customise options to user as per requirements.

Fourth advantage is the hardware, user can use it as back-up as well as the firewall

Here are some disadvantages of Linux

It is very hard to learn Linux and requires a lot of efforts to master. It is very prone to cyber-attacks.


Nowadays we can see Windows software in every laptop except Apple and it is most renowned Operating system in the world. It is most user-friendly compare to Linux even thought is paid software. User can enjoy the operating the system without any challenges.

Disadvantages of the Windows

Customers need to buy Operating system for the use

Prone to various Cyber attacks


Drishti, M. (2019). Compression between the Windows and Linux operating System. The International Journal of the Computer science, 40(5), 55-65.

Hahm, O. (2017). Operating system for various devices in the Internet Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 9(5), 435-450.

Pan, J., Zhaun, M. (2019). A Threat Processing the Memory Linux and Windows system. The Journal of Security and Management, 25(5), 255-275.

Student’s Post # 2by Sukesh Anapati – Monday, October 25, 2021, 11:56 PMNumber of replies: 5

Operating systems are the software that turns your computer into a functioning machine. They control the CPU, the RAM, and your display and keyboard. Most operating systems come with their own program libraries, allowing them to run programs written by different people. The most popular operating system in the world today is known as Microsoft Windows. Each operating system has different ideas for how people should interact with their devices, what the device does, and how files should be saved to make things work smoothly. Most operating systems have a graphical user interface (GUI) that enables you to launch, run, and close applications, manage files, and switch between the desktop and a web browser. Some operating systems offer more specialized features, like games or text editors, or they may lack useful features. Operating systems also differ in how they handle hardware components like memory, hard drives, and USB devices. ach operating system has some common features, but they are often arranged in different ways. Some systems emphasize speed over features, and others emphasize low-resource devices and free operating systems. In addition, each operating system has many unique features. It’s often hard to get a handle on which is better because operating systems are a complicated subject. But we can make a few observations about operating systems, and the best operating systems. The best operating system can solve real problems better than any other one (Pennycook et al.,2019). The first operating systems were simple, unstructured piles of code where programs were run one at a time and a computer could only do one thing at a time. But computers with operating systems came around the 1970s and allowed programs to interact with each other and do things all at once. It is in this general time period that we see that Linux is still the most used operating system, though more macOS is used than Windows. Windows has been around for decades and has many more companies and applications designed for it, making it the most reliable option (Shammer & Zahary,2019).


Pennycook, S. J., Sewall, J. D., & Lee, V. W. (2019). Implications of a metric for performance portability. Future Generation Computer Systems, 92, 947-958.

Shammar, E. A., & Zahary, A. T. (2019). The Internet of Things (IoT): a survey of techniques, operating systems, and trends. Library Hi Tech.

Computer Science Homework Help