Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Auburn University Project Baseline Plan Microsoft Project


1. Create a project baseline plan that has the following tasks that a student works on in a given
day when awake (7 processes):
• Studying for a test with friends
• Reading a textbook
• Gathering articles at the AUM library
• Writing an team essay
• Conducting financial analysis
• Meeting with your team
• Taking an xm

2. For the purposes of this plan, decide which tasks come 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. and order the tasks
and decide which tasks are dependent on previous tasks using a current AUM class

3. Enter the task, start, duration, finish, and predecessor(s) using the Task menu in the Gantt
view. Click twice on each task to pull up the Task Properties for each task.

5. Develop a project baseline plan in either Microsoft Project (.MPP file) or Gantt Project
(.GAN file) that has the following components:
• Task (process) name – name the processes with Verb-Noun-Noun.
• Start – start the first task on February 1st, 2021.
• Duration – decide how long each task will take in days.
• Finish – will be calculated from the start date + duration, but no less than 3 weeks.
• Predecessors – which previous tasks is the current task dependent (enter row number)
• Resource names *
• Resource costs *

* First assign resources using the Resource tab, assign resources, second assign costs
(costs are assigned 1st resource – $50/hr, 2nd resource – $60/hr, yourself – $100/hr).

6. Enter three resource names (you plus two others and your name) and costs using the Resource
tab and then assign the resources to each task using the Task Properties box. Assign two
resources to each task except: Taking an exam (just assign you).

7. Show the percentage of completion for each task using the progress drop-down in the Task
Properties box (range from 0% complete to 100% complete).

6. Print out a PDF file and turn in both files, as below. Turn in your deliverables no later than
Saturday, October 16th 11:59 pm by email attaching one of the following file formats, either
• Lastname-ProjectAssn.GAN and Lastname-ProjectAssn.PDF – or –
• Lastname-ProjectAssn.MPP and Lastname-ProjectAssn.PDF

Computer Science Homework Help