Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CS379 week 5 Machine learning


3-5 pages (not including cover page and resource page) explaining in words why you did what you did in the coding.

One machine learning technique is splitting in order to make predictions. Imagine the root of a tree that is split into branches and those branches are split into branches with each split being homogeneous.

Choose 1 of the splitting approaches to decision trees, and create an algorithm. Identify test data to be used on the algorithm, and illustrate the output of the prediction.

Submit 1 Python code file of 100-200 lines and 1 Word document (alternative – Jupyter Notebook that contains the description, code, comments, and results in a single file).

  1. Code must be well-commented – explain your decisions and what the code is doing.
  2. Code file must include a file header that includes the following information at a minimum:
    • Your name
    • Date
    • Course
    • Description of the code
  3. Code should adhere to best practice code standards.
  4. Capture and record results and screenshots in a Word document (alternatively, you can submit a Jupyter Notebook that includes everything).

Computer Science Homework Help