Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. CMP 610 9042 Howard University Cybersecurity Recommendations for CAREFIRST PPT


Organizations must implement countermeasures to protect information and data that are vulnerable to cyberattacks. As new security threats are introduced, these countermeasures must be evaluated and improved.

This is the final of four sequential projects. In this project, you will investigate common types of cyberattacks and possible solutions, evaluate the costs of implementing identified countermeasures, and communicate the recommended solution to a nontechnical audience.

You will present to management the most likely attack vectors against your organization and suggest solutions ranked by cost and effectiveness. You will also suggest how the mix of identified state and nonstate actors should affect policy-maker decisions and policy development for critical infrastructure protection.

There are 14 steps in this project. In this project you will only focus to the last step which is the 14th to develop a narrated slide presentation of 16 to 20 slides the other steps will provide you just details you need to know to succeed in this presentation . The narrated presentation need audio on each slide. the organization you will use for this presentation is

CAREFIRST Bluecross Blueshield. The title of the presentation is cybersecurity recommendation presentations

Computer Science Homework Help