Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Southern Arkansas Main Campus MySQL SELECT Statement and Required Clauses Question


Deliverables :

SQL File as follows: The LastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql. The file must contain the SELECT statement and required clauses to address the required tasks note below (Query 1-10).

MS Word as follows: LastName_Project_Ph1_Output. This file contains the queries and outputs.

Required Software:

MySQL DBMS by Oracle. MySQL Community Server and MySQL Workbench.


Step 1: Download and install the MySQL DBMS System by Oracle. Follow the step-by-step instructions attached to install the MySQL DBMS on your computer.

Step 2: Create a MySQL Database.

Step 3: Run the Script File in MySQL which is attached.

Step 4: Create SQL SELECT Queries

Using the data provided for you in the Student table in the database, formulate a SQL script file named LastName_Project_Ph1_Query.sql. This file would contain queries to execute each of the tasks required below.Once you run each query, save and past the output in an MS Word document. Name your file LastName_Project_Ph1_Output.

Name Task
Query # 1 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: Student’s First and Last Name.
Query # 2 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the Major of the STUDENT with no duplications. Do not display student names.
Query # 3 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32828.
Query # 4 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 97912 and have the major of CS.
Query # 5 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who live in the Zip code 32826 or 33186. Do not use IN.
Query # 6 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the major of Business or Math. Use IN.
Query # 7 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: the First and Last Name of students who have the Class greater than 1 and less than 5. Use BETWEEN.
Query # 8 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last Name of students who have the Last name that starts with an M.
Query # 9 Write a SQL statement to produce output as follows: First and Last name of students having an o in the second position in their First Name.
Query # 10 Write a SQL expression to produce output as follows: display the Status for, and the number of occurrences that apply to each status. You must use the Count(*) function. You must show the result of the Count(*) function as CountStatus. Group by Status and output the results in ascending order of CountStatus.

Computer Science Homework Help