Computer Science Homework Help

Computer Science Homework Help. Walden University System Integration Discussion and Responses


Post the discussion to the following:

In the past, many businesses had siloed business applications that executed within their own departments and with their own department’s data. Today, the focus is on system integration and developing systems that function across organizational departments with a common repository of data.

Describe two types of enterprise information systems used in any business industry today.

You are required to add at least two of your own research resources in constructing your initial discussion post.

Be sure to include an analysis of the benefits and challenges of adopting enterprise information systems in business today.

Please comment on this post below.

The purpose of enterprise systems is to gain an organizational strength through new access gained through business knowledge, increased employee productivity from streamlined work processes, and the reduction of redundant company data. One type of enterprise system is Supply Chain Management. The supply chain is comprised of a collection of equipment, data, tasks, people, and everything else included in creating a systematic approach to ensuring the product is proceeded through vendor to customer. This includes the development of the product to a steady source of product, as well as the product being moved logistically and all angles of this system be monitored at all times. It involves strategic planning and operations as well as a day to day account of materials and product involved within the supply chain.Also, the enterprise resource planning system allows for the management of business procedures are best utilized through software applications. These activities include human resources,  inventory management, purchasing, and finance, The applications involved with these activities all share information collectively. Administrative and operational tasks share operations that allow for creation of tools such as time sheets and also, can be utilized in a number of industries.

Computer Science Homework Help