Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. ECON 1012 University of Adelaide College Aggregate Money Supply and Aggregate Money Demand Paper


ourse Learning Outcomes: 2 & 3Topic/s of Primary Focus: Macroeconomic FundamentalsAggregate Supply and Aggregate DemandMoney and Inflation(May also include content from previous topics.)For this assignment, you will refer to the ReserveBank of AustraliasOctober Monetary Policy Decision media release, available at the below link: minutes of that meeting may also be of use: this assignment, you are asked to provide your own analysis of RBAs October Monetary Policy decision. This must be in your own words, and reflectyou own understanding and application of course content.As part of this analysis, ensure that you include and focus on the following:The reasons for the RBAs decision, including reference to various economic variables and what they indicate about the state of the economy andwhat policies might be appropriate.What the policy position, particularly the main position around the cash rate target,means in terms of the RBAs implementation, and how that is transmitted to impact economic activity.Makesure to use key terminology and course concepts where appropriate.Format:The format of your response should be an essaystyle response.You do not need to spend as much attention on formal essay structure as you might for a persuasive or researchbased essay. Instead you should focus on communicating your ideas in a clear and concise manner and making sure there is a logical flow of ideas and explanation.Word Limit:800 words (excluding diagrams and references)

2 Diagrams:Whereyou use diagramsof course models, it is best if they arecreated by you. You could either draw them by hand and scan/photo them into your document. Or prepare them electronically. However,they shouldbe your own workto better reflect your understanding.If you wish to include diagrams or tables of datafrom other sources, you can also do that with clear and appropriate referencing.Referencing:This is not a research assignment. So you do not necessarily need to find other references. You should answer the question based on what you have learnt in the course and the linked RBA page/s.However, it is important that if you do take content directly from other sourcesincluding course materials, both quoting andparaphrasing, that you appropriately reference to show what is your own original thoughts and what ideasyou have borrowedfrom others.Please refer to the Academic Integrity Module within the course for further guidance and links regarding referencing, plagiarism, and academic integrity.Where referencing is used, itcan be in any standard style, so long as it is consistent. The Harvard referencing style is preferred, as it is the standard in Economics and is also common in Business disciplines.…guidesAll submissions will be analysed with the assistance of Turnitin, checking for plagiarism against other students in the class and external sources

Economics Homework Help