Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Manchester Community College Week 5 Discussion


1.) Research an Economic Current Event on unemployment; inflation ; or the relationship between unemployment, inflation, and the National Economy – post it in this discussion forum.

  • If you are thinking about the relationships You might search for Philips curve, or Laffer curve.
  • Unemployment and inflation independently are much easier to locate articles make sure you develop some indication of how one is impacted by the other. Typically news articles are written about only one of the three.

The current event must be within the last 90 days. Current events will be at least 3 paragraphs to receive full credit.

2.) When the Federal Reserve Bank “sells” securities it means that the money supply decreases. The opposite then is also true when the Fed purchases securities the money supply increases. Does this seem counter intuitive? Discuss with your classmates and explain how the flow of money works to reduce the money supply as the Fed sells securities.

Research an Economic Current Event on FED policy – post it in this discussion forum.

What actions has the FED taken since the start of this class? What does this tell you about the economy (expanding, shrinking, etc) or the FED’s expectation? Should the FED try to influence the business cycle? What other factors might you look at in making this decision?

Economics Homework Help