Economics Homework Help

Economics Homework Help. Economics Question


General Information on July 21st (pst time )

  • The exam takes place on iLearn.
  • The exam has 2 parts: Part 1 starts at 1:00pm and lasts 60 minutes. Part 2 starts at 2pm [time of exam TBD]
  • For some questions (graphs, long calculations or numerical problems) carefully take photos of ALL your work (or scan) and upload.
  • If you have trouble uploading your work, do not panic, simply email everything to me ASAP.
  • Plagiarism is not allowed: The answers you provide must be in your own words; they cannot be copied from videos, handouts, the internet, your assignments, textbook, or any other answer keys that have been provided over the length of the course. You must also submit figures/diagrams that are your own (not copies from text or other sources). Plagiarism on the exam will result in a ZERO.

More on Part 1 of Exam

  • Part 1 is available only between 1:00pm and 2:00pm; you must submit all answers on iLearn during that time.
  • Once the time runs out, you will not be able to make any further modifications to Part 1.
  • Part 1 has Multiple Choice, True/False questions, fill-in questions. You must submit all answers for Part 1 on iLearn, including the answers for fill-in questions.
  • The structure of part 1 is similar to that on MyEconLab. All fill-in questions require very brief responses; do not provide long answers as you will run out of time on the exam; do not explain anything, 1-3 words are sufficient.
  • For part 1 no uploaded files with answer will be accepted; all answers must be provided on the exam directly.
  • If you think there is an error on the exam, make a note of it, and answer the question as best as you can. Let me know of any issues AFTER the exam.
  • The # of questions in part 1 is TBD. Each question in part 1 is worth 1 point.

More on Part 2 of Exam

  • Part 2 is available starting at 2pm. The exam length is yet to be determined.
  • Part 2 will require written responses with explanations, graphs, and/or numerical work.
  • Number of questions: TBD.
  • Types of Questions: There will be a number of different types of questions ranging in length from short answer to longer problems, as well as numerical problems. Some questions will require calculations. Other questions will require analysis/discussion on a topic, where you be required to elaborate and provide economic reasoning along with your answer. Some questions may require that you explain as much as possible on a given topic. Graphs will be required for some questions.
  • There are two option in submitting your work. Option 1: You can submit your responses to part 2 directly on the exam. There is room for written responses and each questions has the option to submit/upload a photo of your work. Option 2: Alternatively you can submit ALL answers to part 2 separately, by uploading them onto iLearn after the exam ends. I will have a place for you to upload this work as I do for part 2 of all assignments; you will have 10 minutes after the exam to upload your work. It is up to you; do what you think will be easiest. The deadline to upload your work with option 2 will be 10 minutes after Part 2 is due [exact time will be posted on iLearn]; hence you will have 10 minutes after the 2nd part of the exam ends to upload any remaining work (without losing time during the exam). 10 minute is a sufficient time provided you begin uploading your work immediately after part 2 of the exam ends. If you have trouble uploading the photos EMAIL it to me ASAP.
  • If you choose to take photos of your written responses to upload, make sure it is legible so that I have the ability to grade your work. It is best to submit image files directly; do not copy the images into word and then submit a pdf since the quality of the image is drastically reduced; also the photos can be too small when cut and pasted into other file formats.
  • Please do not submit your work using “apple pages” as I do all my work on a PC and cannot view these pages. Photos/scans are fine. Also, do not submit your work in a zip file, submit/uploda each file separately so that it displays on iLearn.

Economics Homework Help