Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. HISTORY”Civil Rights Breakthroughs” Please respond to the following: (Note: Please respond to one [1] of the following two [2] bulleted items in a primary posting of at least 200 words. In addition, please make a substantive comment of at least 100 words to at least one [1] of your classmates.)From the scenario, identify at least two (2) events of the 1960s which you believe spurred the Civil Rights Movement forward. Explain the key ways in which the events that you have identified supported the movement. Provide a rationale for your response.From the scenario, name at least three (3) different events within the Civil Rights Movement that accelerated the freedom movements of the 1960s and the Great Society movement. Investigate the manner in which the Civil Rights Movement sparked other groups to push for equality. Include at least one (1) example of such influence of the Civil Rights Movement to support your response. Provide a rationale for your response.MARKETINGOperating a Retail Business” Please respond to the following:Determine the fundamental aspects of automated retailing that make it beneficial for operating a retail business. Examine two (2) ways in which automated retailing is positive and two (2) ways it is negative for operations management.·          ·          From the e-Activity, examine the trends and the future in technology discussed. Determine two (2) potential problems inherent in relying on technology to operate a retail store. Recommend two (2) approaches to preventing the potential problems that you have determined.Creating Your Own Merchandizing Philosophy” Please respond to the following:Imagine that you are starting your own business. Create your own merchandising philosophy. Describe your philosophy, and propose the manner in which you would use it to enhance your business.·          Imagine that your grandparents want to retire and have given their general store to you so that it stays in the family. Currently, they are operating the store as they had when it first opened: without merchandising software. Examine the pros and cons of merchandising software. Determine whether you are for or against incorporating merchandising software into your grandparents’ business. Support your position with one (1) example of either the successful use or apparent misuse of such software.Assignment 2.1: Policemen of the World Thesis and OutlineDue Week 7 and worth 70 pointsBy the mid-20th century, the United States had become the dominant force in international relations. Some have argued that the United States’ military functions as the world’s “police.” This assignment covers the manner in which this shift occurred and the consequences the United States faces as a result of its status as “policemen of the world.” Using the Internet and reputable news sources, research two (2) real-life international incidents from the past five (5) years in which:·         The U.S. used military action abroad.·         Controversy existed within the American public regarding U.S. involvement.·         Controversy existed within the country or countries affected by U.S. involvement.Part 14.            Write a thesis statement that is one to two (1-2) sentences long in which you:a.    State your thesis on the significance of the current role of the US military, as exemplified in the two (2) real-life international incidents that you have researched. Justify your response.For the first part of this assignment you will create a thesis statement. A thesis statement is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your main idea to the reader. The body of the essay organizes the material you gather and present in support of your main idea. Keep in mind that a thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. (Note: Please consult the Purdue OWL Website with tips on how to construct a proper thesis; the website can be found at: Part 2For the next part of this assignment you will create an outline of the main points you want to address in this paper. This will serve as the basis for your Assignment 2.2 Final Draft. (Note: Please use the Purdue Owl Website to assist you with this assignment; this website can be accessed at:·         Write a one to two (1-2) page outline in which you:a.    Describe the two (2) international events involving the US military from the past five (5) years you investigated that can be traced back to a foreign policy created after the Civil War.b.    List three (3) aspects of US history since 1865 that have led to the US’s rise as a world super power policeman.c.    List three to five (3-5) international incidents since World War II where America has taken on a policing role.d.    List three to five (3-5) driving forces that fueled international policy decisions involving the international incidents you outlined previously. (Consider treaties, exit strategies, elections, wars, etc.)e.    Use at least three (3) academic references besides or in addition to the textbook. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:·         Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.·         Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:·         Identify and discuss the different ways that the Civil War, Reconstruction, and Industrialization after the Civil War have shaped America’s history.·         Summarize and discuss the ways that formal policies of government have influenced the direction of historical and social development in the United States.·         Recognize the major turning points in American history since the Civil War.·         Use technology and information resources to research issues in contemporary U.S. history.·         Write clearly and concisely about contemporary U.S. history using proper writing mechanics.

Engineering homework help

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