Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. GEOLOGY 101 UC Davis Engineering Applications and San Andreas Fault Questions

I’m working on a Engineering question and need guidance to help me study.

please answer these 2 questions

1)From a strength standpoint for engineering applications, why would metamorphic rocks that formed from platy minerals with good cleavage cause more concern than metamorphic rocks that formed from rounded mineral grains with no cleavage? (Write answer in text field)

Explain why platy minerals with good cleavage are good or bad (1 pt)

Explain why rounded mineral grains with no cleavage are bad or good (1 pt)

2)The San Andreas fault is a transform fault that is a tectonic plate boundary stretching from Cape Mendocino to the Salton Trough.

If you plan a project near the coast along this boundary, do you need to be concerned about major active volcanic hazards? (Yes or no)

Why or why not (in terms of the tectonic setting)

Engineering Homework Help