Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. Urban Community Skills Center Community Collective Analysis Discussion

Community Collective 

Choose one only:

  • Option 1 – Urban Community Skills Center (a place to provide training for acquiring new skills, and network hub for displaced people and donors/volunteers).
  • Option 2 – Birthing and Wellness Center for Women (pregnant, physically abused, and emotionally disturbed women among many others.) *This is not an option for those who did the Clinic in Project 3.
  • Option 3 – Rehabilitation Center (a transitional space to treat people with substance/drug abuse.)
  • Option 4 – Learning Facility for Young Displaced Children

Note: If you have started an open idea in week 7, further develop that concept to fit in a 4000-5000 sq. ft. space.

Assignment Overview

Based on your readings and research this past week, further develop the conceptual design you had for a culturally-sensitive urban community collective to address the needs of an impoverished community of users in the region that you selected in W7 Assignment. Your selected country should be one of the regions in RP4.

On your design poster, note the global design factors that informed the design context, such as cultural or religious influence, vernacular design elements, materials at site, environmental impact, color prevalent in the region, and the impact of the built environment on the entire human experience of this marginalized group.

Create a Schematic Design Poster

Create a conceptual, schematic design solution for a culturally-sensitive, urban community center for the region you started in W7 Assignment. Your given space is a total of 4000-5000 sq. ft. Go to (see link provided) for potential ideas of site (types of structures available that you can begin to work with; ex. a church to expand, a warehouse to serve as envelope of space for your idea, etc.).

The collective community design should address the spaces and services required to empower the local community. On your poster, identify and discuss with specific notes and goals, functional rooms, socioeconomic issues, most needed services, or spaces you will be including in your conceptual design.

Note: This design solution is only conceptually thematic, but you must still be concerned with dimensions and restrictions. The objective is to show creative ideas that represent the region you have researched. There is no limit to your creative freedom on this assignment! 

Include in your submission all your developed images, color-rendered sketches along with plans or diagrams and thorough notes to illustrate and describe your design in an architectural poster format. Add 3-4 rendered perspectives that will communicate your final design ideas. Your poster should clearly illustrate the cultural influence, symbolism, and elements that were included in your research and essay from W7 RP4 Assignment.

Expected outcomes:

  • Rationale and conceptual goals on the project.
  • Diagrammatic or scaled plans with some illustrative measurements.
  • Sketch development of your ideation process.
  • Rendered representations of interior views and functional rooms.
  • You are free to add an external view for reference.

Review the following presentation for tips on creating a design poster:

Poster Presentation

You can use any preferred software program (such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, or Adobe Photoshop) to create the poster, but you must convert the final poster to a PDF prior to submitting it to the folder.

Review the following PDF for some tips:

Sketching Tips…

number 2 Global Design DD4

It has been examined and argued by social geographers that poverty and marginalization of communities are also the results of urban infrastructures and globalization. Some facts that can be synthesized are: urban infrastructure develops exclusion, the production and management of infrastructure use resources in disproportionate quantity and contributes to urban waste, globalization pushes the context of supply and demand, and oftentimes divide the distinctions in market economy and poverty lines, among many others. 

Question 1: What are your critical thoughts on the above premise? Should interior designers need to reflect on these issues? Why?

Question 2: If you have the opportunity to design any of the four options below for a Senior 2 project which is about 25,000 sq ft., how will you frame your design problem, design mission, and design solution?

  • Option 1 – Urban Community Skills Center (a place to provide training for acquiring new skills, and network hub for displaced people and donors/volunteers).
  • Option 2 – Birthing and Wellness Center for Women (pregnant, physically abused, and emotionally disturbed women among many others.) *This is not an option for those who did the Clinic in Project 3.
  • Option 3 – Rehabilitation Center (a transitional space to treat people with substance/drug abuse.)
  • Option 4 – Learning Facility for Young Displaced Children

Engineering Homework Help