Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. ITS 420 CSU W8 Local Linux in a Global Setting Questions


Option #1: Local Linux in a Global Setting

You are hired to plan and implement setting up a local Linux environment for a global organization. Your project is to setup a Linux environment for an organization that has offices globally with many computers and devices connected to the main office (headquarters), and with an access to a cloud-based environment. The organization also uses cloud-based environment, and your local Linux environment is connected to the cloud environment of the organization.

Write a paper that contains the process of setting up Linux environment, detail explanation of the build and implementation, and how the environment will operate. Some of the topics and requirements may require research to properly address.

Submission Requirements:

  • Write an eight- to 10-page paper, not counting required title and reference pages. Include additional pages as needed to accommodate graphics.
  • Format your paper according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Incorporate four to six scholarly sources to support your paper. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

You must address the following in your proposal and may make any assumptions which are not specified:

  • Which Linux distribution(s) will be required? This should include information about both client and server operating systems.
  • Describe the hardware to be used and the installation options.
  • Describe how users will log onto the systems.
  • Explain how systems will receive IP addresses.
  • Explain how DNS will be accessed by the systems.
  • Explain how users will securely share files within their group and other selected groups/users in the company.
  • How will printing be implemented and managed?
  • What kind of data encryption will be required?
  • Explain the local host and network security requirements.

Engineering Homework Help