Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UCM Flow Chart Takt Time and SCM Worksheet


Question 1

WP uniforms provides a selection of lab coats, shirts, trousers, uniforms, and outfits for area businesses. For a fee, WP uniforms will collect soiled garments once a week, wash and repair these garments, and return them the following week while picking up a new batch of soiled garments. At WP uniforms, shirts are laundered in large batches. From the laundry, these shirts are inspected, repaired, and sorted. To determine whether the process can be done more effectively, the employees stormed the following steps and placed them in order. Create a flowchart with their information. Remember to use symbols appropriately.

Shirts arrive from laundry.

Ask: is shirt beyond cost-effective repair?

Pull shirt from racks

Remove shirts from hangers.

Discard shirt if badly damaged.


Sort according to size.

Ask: does shirt have holes or other damage?

Fold shirt, place in proper storage area.

Make note of repair needs.

Make hourly count.

Question 2
Calculate the takt time for a company that works two 8-hour shifts per day. Each shift receives 30 minutes for a mid-shift meal and two 15-minute breaks. The customer would like to receive 25 generators per day.

Calculate the takt time for the one hour of provided system data?

  1. 5 minutes
  2. 1.8 minutes
  3. 3 minutes
  4. 2 minutes

Question 4

Describe an example of error proofing that you have implemented, provide pictures (if any). Writing about 50-75 words explaining on the problem and what you implemented.

Note: visual management is a popular tool with color, size, shape, and effects. This could be in your kitchen, garage, bedroom, bathroom, living room, or at your workplace.

Question 5

Describe the Kaizen concept and list the steps for a Kaizen project.

Question 6

Why does logistics play a key role in supply chain management? From a firm you have visited or worked with or from your research, describe the logistics activities and supply chain activities there, including who is involved and what they provide.

Engineering Homework Help