Engineering Homework Help

Engineering Homework Help. UCM Implementing Lean Six Sigma in The Financial and Insurance Industry PPT


Introduction – The introduction is a general narration of the study leading to the research question. The research question is the specific direction of the research. The narrative of this section is to direct the developer toward the focus of the study.

Value of study – This section should/will discuss why the study is valuable. It should tell the value to the researcher (other than receiving a graduate degree), and why it could be of value to others in the same and different ways. Values are generally written in paragraph form rather than listed.

Need for study – This section is devoted to identifying the benefits to be had by identifying the expected knowledge to be revealed by this research, who will benefit, and why it should be completed. What will be the benefits to the current pool of knowledge or how can society be improved with this knowledge. When this study is completed what void in the body of knowledge will be filled. The section should be written in paragraph form and discussed in detail. The need helps the writer to improve their focus on the problem.

Definitions of terms – Complete statement preceding the term which identifies why it is in this research document. Generally, a term should have one of three reasons for being used: (1) When a generally accepted definition is not evident; (2) When a generally accepted term is used differently; or (3) When a new term is coined. This section is not always included in research. However, it helps to clarify the research language.

Each term is listed separately in a paragraph side heading and the topic cannot be part of the definition.

This section should also be used to identify any acronym to be used in the prospectus and final report.

The statement of the problem – The problem will generally tell what the study intends to do in two ways: First, it should describe the ultimate goal; and secondly, it should specifically list the viewpoints from the ultimate goals to be achieved. Sometimes it briefly describes what, where, and with whom the research applies. The statement of the problem also describes the control and experimental nature of the research. The termination of this section will be the research question, stated as a question(s) and hypothesis.

The Research Question(s) – The research question(s), are the specific

reason of conducting the research. It will focus on the problem in question form.

Hypothesis – This section is not always used. The purpose of this section is

to provide the answer(s) to the research question as speculated by the Researcher. At this point in the development of the prospectus, the hypothesis is the Researcher?s answer to the research question. Later to proven or disproved by collected date or evidence.

Delimitations – Should include those things the study will not attempt to do. Certain things will be outside the parameters of the study of investigation. Sometimes completed in listed form and proceeded by the following or a similar statement:

The following delimitations are offered, not to the extent of limiting the study, but to help give additional focus on the research. These ground rules were applied during the course of this study:1) first item, 2) second item

Assumption – This section is not always used. However, when used, should assist in the attempt to further draw the readers attention to statements relating to the research question/hypothesis section, upon which the reader and researcher must agree at the onset of the study. Form should be as follows:

The following assumptions were considered of basic importance to the success of the study:1) First statement, 2) Second statement.

Review of related literature

This section varies according to the nature of the problem. It generally brings the reader up-to-date by providing an evolutionary sketch and/or information concerning what is already known about the problem. No data can be put in the review that will also be used in later chapters. It is written in paragraph form with an introductory section, a developmental section, and closing paragraphs.

Method of study

Procedures for experimental and survey techniques usually differ from those of documentary. What major family of research methodology will be employed to complete the research? Identification of areas for the location and of data. Where does the information reside? How do we intend to obtain the information? Characteristics parts discussed for these techniques are as follows:

Population (Specimen if not people)

This section of the procedures should include a complete description of the population or specimen to be used in this study. Several typical questions should be answered and then structured into proper sentences and paragraph form:

What people or specimens (description)? How located? How selected?  How many? How grouped and used?

Instruments and/or Apparatus to be Used

This section of the procedures should include a complete description of each instrument and/or apparatus to be used. Several typical questions should be answered and then properly structured in sentence and paragraph form.

Description of each instrument and /or apparatus.

What data or information will derive?

How developed or obtained?

Validity or reliability?

How used?

Statistical Analysis

This section should include a complete description of the following three items:

A description of each individual or group comparison to be made.

An identification of each statistical procedure to be used (including formulas).

The critical limits or levels of confidence acceptable on the total study of each individual comparison.

Research Plan

This section should include a “step by step” or sequential plan of attack for the entire study. Each item or step should be listed form the beginning to the end, placed in its proper sequence, and then written in the proper sequence and paragraph form. In other words, it is when will what?be done type of discussion.

Time-on-Task Analysis

This section should include a time schedule or time budget to complete the identified research by the proposed deadline (end of semester). The proposal may use a bar chart or CPM diagram to illustrate these events.

Results and Findings 

Summary, Conclusions, and recommendations 

Since students don’t collect data in this course, no actual results in Chapters 4 and 5. You’ll write these 2 chapters from your anticipation; what you think it might occur in your findings and present the acceptable recommendation. Chapters 4&5 can be in 2-4 pages long.

Engineering Homework Help