English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Learning Objectives:CO1. Assess the legal environment of business.CO4. Evaluate the effects of constitutional provisions on business.PROMPT:Prepare a written Case Brief of the U.S. Supreme Court opinion in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.  The opinion is available at: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/13pdf/13-354_olp1.pdfINSTRUCTIONS:1. Download and read the attached document, “How to Brief a Case.”  This is your guideline for this assignment.2. Read the Hobby Lobby case Supreme Court opinion.3. Download and open the attached “Word Template.” This is the format for your Case Brief paper. The correct case citation to use in your brief is:   Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc., 573 U.S. 682 (2014).4.  Write this in your own words!  Do not copy/paste blocks from the court opinion or Internet sources.5. Your paper will go through TurnItIn automatically on submission. TurnItIn score should not exceed 10 percent.Grading criteria includes the following:  mechanics (grammar, spelling, etc.) (10%), format (10%), similarity (use of your own words) (10%), content — accuracy, completeness and insight of case elements (70%)Supporting Materials 623 How to Brief A Case.pdf (60      KB) 623 Case Brief Template.docx (15      KB)

English Language and Literature homework help