English Language and Literature homework help

English Language and Literature homework help. Consider a random variable X with uniform distribution U(0, 1). In class we have seen how this can be used to simulate the flip of a coin. a. Use the random variable X to simulate the rolls of a dice with 4 faces, similarity to what we did in class. Each of the possible outcomes {1, 2, 3, 4} must have equal probability. b. Consider the random variable Y = b4X + 1c. That is, we take a random number generated according to the distribution of X, we multiply it by 4, we add 1, and we round it down to the nearest integer. What are the possible outcomes of Y ? What is the probability of each of these outcomes? Discuss the relationship between Y and the random variable you built in point (a.)I am not sure how to solve these

English Language and Literature homework help