Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. TSL 2083 Seminole State College of Florida Sheltered Instruction Planning Guide



What is Sheltered Instruction? (3:04)

What is Sheltered Instruction (Links to an external site.)What is Sheltered Instruction

Video: What is Sheltered Instruction (captioned) (Links to an external site.)

10 Best ELL Practices (4:27)

10 Best ELL Practices – Teaching English (Links to an external site.)10 Best ELL Practices - Teaching English

Video: 10 Best ELL Practices (captioned) (Links to an external site.)

Differentiating Instruction (2:14)

Differentiating Instruction, 6-12, Part I: Student Choice and Multiple Modes of Learning (Links to an external site.)Differentiating Instruction, 6-12, Part I: Student Choice and Multiple Modes of Learning

Video: Differentiating Instruction (captioned) (Links to an external site.)



  1. Be sure you have read chapter 3 before completing this assignment.
  2. Use your text, and the other resources provided by your professor, to create a planning guide for Sheltered Instruction using the format given in figure 3.7 in your textbook – with a modification some notes:
    • Leave out the Standards (These are very important items in a lesson plan, but for this assignment I’m not going to have you include them because I know they are not easily accessible to everyone in the class. I know there is a link anyone can access, but if you are not familiar with them yet, it’s a bit much to wade through them).
    • Look up some information on writing learning objectives if needed.
    • Objectives – at least 1 for each: content, language, and social/affective
    • Grouping – at least one
  3. The rubric below outlines the expectations for this assignment.
  4. After you complete the planning guide, submit it by uploading it to this assignment.

Foreign Languages Homework Help