Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Hispanic Themed Film Return To Cuba Analytical Review


To earn points in this category, you may a recent (made since 2000) feature-length film in English, which offers a realistic and culturally-appropriate depiction of some aspect of Hispanic culture or Hispanic life. These films must be viewed without commercial interruption, i.e. in a theater, on DVD, video, or a pay cable channel such as HBO or Showtime. The film must be viewed during the term in which you apply for points and this must be documented with a receipt or time and date of television showing. If unsure that the film you wish to view is appropriate, consult the instructor before viewing!

To receive full points, you must write a movie critique (min. 500 wds.), in which you present a thorough analysis of the film that you saw. Plot summaries are NOT acceptable. (See the page below entitled Film Critique for more information on criteria to use when writing a film critique.) This statement must be typed or word-processed, spell-checked, and double-spaced. 

Foreign Languages Homework Help