Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. Grossmont College Navigating O Brien’s Truth Together Discussion


Original POST due by Thursday, August 26, before 11:59 pm

REPLIES and EDITS/REVISIONS due by Monday, August 30 before 11:59 pm

This time, you must post before seeing your peers’ posts.

Part I: Review MLA

Part II: Post (30 points) Please number each requirement.

  1. How does Tim O’Brien define a true war story and what assumptions does he make in doing so? Identify and discuss at leastone assumption and provide a quote using MLA in-text citation to support your discussion. Be sure to take his contradictions into account and not to oversimplify his text. (approximately 75-200 words)
  2. Worldview is one’s philosophy of life, and it is comprised of the values, assumptions, and beliefs one holds. Drawing inferences based on your reading of O’Brien’s text, what is his worldview and how does it compare to your own? (approximately 75-200 words)
  3. For this question, I would like you to consider how a work of fiction, non-traditional fiction at that, can make an argument (later we will look at the poem as an argument). Is O’Brien making an argument and/or truth-seeking? Is he attempting to persuade his readers of something? If so, where on the continuum does his text fall? (use Figure 1.5 in our textbook, page 11) Again, he is writing a story and not a traditional essay, but we must not restrict our understanding of persuasion to nonfiction. (approximately 75-200 words)

Be sure to fully develop your posts, illustrating close reading of O’Brien’s powerful story and our textbook.

In addition, careful proofreading is a must–no “i” for “I.”

Part III: Reply (20 points)

Comprehensively respond to posts 1-3 for TWO of your peers (10 points each). Begin by introducing yourself, and remember, replies that start with “I like” rarely stimulate good conversation. If you agree or disagree with your peer, be sure to explain why. If you think your peer’s post is off-topic, help them to get back on track. As always, try to choose someone who has not yet received a reply, and please let CREED (Compassion, Respect, Empathy, Empowerment, and Dignity) guide your engagement with your peers. O’Brien’s text is powerful and there’s much to consider. I look forward to reading your posts and replies!

Tip: Number each response (1-3 for two peers) and write a full paragraph for each one, between 75-200 words.

Foreign Languages Homework Help