Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. ENGL 100 CCC a Small Country that Fosters the Greatest Happiness Paper


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We begin our final research project, which combines threads of all the subjects we’ve covered this semester. You will design a small country that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

  • The correct approach or mode is expository, though you will use argumentation to present your evidence.
  • It is due at the end of Week 8. No late work is accepted. Upload it through Canvas to Turnitin by 11:59 pm of the last Sunday of class.
  • Your APA-style research essay will begin with a Title Page and end with References.
  • I provide a sample student essay in APA format. Note that it includes additional info that your final papers will need, such as an abstract.
  • As usual for APA essays in our class, use Times New Roman font, size 12. Standard 1″ margins. Double-spaced. Page numbers inserted in upper-right corner. Running head capitalized in upper-left corner; the running head is an abbreviated version of your title.
  • You must also create (not copy/paste) an original graph as a visual aid in your essay. In Word: Insert > Chart.
  • Use at least five sources; three should come from Coastline’s Online Library or Google Scholar (see the Week 5 Module for videos about how to do this).
  • You may use and quote the articles linked in this week’s Modules.

ESSAY TOPIC: Design a society that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.

  • To do so, you’ll create policies and rationalize them using evidence from your research.
  • You’ll need to define clearly your terms (happiness, greatest number, etc.).
  • Organization: Your essay will have an introduction paragraph, five body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph–a beginning, middle, and end.
  • Total length (including title page, abstract, your content, and the References page):
    • First page = Title page
    • Second page = Abstract with key words
    • Next few pages = one intro paragraph, exactly four body paragraphs, and one conclusion paragraph = SIX total paragraphs
    • Final page = References
  • Each body paragraph must include one to two quotations with citations from your research.
  • Your body paragraphs will zoom in on four or more national interests. Examples include: class, race, ideologies (belief systems, religions, and so on), urban design, architecture, transportation, renewable resources, leadership / system of government, arts (painting, literature, music, film), military, cuisine, physical / mental health of citizens, entertainment, invented history, scientific innovation / research, technology, health care, family structure, economic policies, business practices, imports / exports, geographic location, topography, natural habitat…. and any others you can think of.
  • To reiterate: You are creating a new, imaginary society. Although a research paper, this is also a form of creative writing. Pick four or more national interests on which to focus. Support your proposed policies with concrete evidence from EBSCO articles and other online research.
  • For inspiration refer to the linked essays on happiness and society.
  • Be sure to create an outline, organize your ideas into sections, and use transitions to signal shifts from section to section.
  • Have fun! Strut your stuff. You’re strong, capable writers by now.

Final Research Project Rubric: My Ideal Society
/2 Format: cover page, abstract, references, margins, spacing, font, header
/3 Organization: intro with thesis, four bodies, conclusion; transitions to topic sentences
/4 Mechanics: grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling
/6 Argumentation: use of ” “s and citations, graph, detail, depth of thought, fluidness

Submit final research project

The upload box and the submit button should appear below these instructions. Note also that it often takes ten minutes for Turnitin to calculate your Similarity Score %. It takes up to twenty-four hours to calculate %s for resubmissions.

  • View the above APA sample student essay.
  • Remember that each body paragraph should have at least one quotation from an outside source supporting your policy.
  • Brainstorm, draft, proofread, revise, and rewrite your essay multiple times.
  • Check carefully for transitions, topic sentences, support, and grammar and punctuation errors.
  • Upload through Canvas to Turnitin by the last Sunday of our class at 11:59 p.m.
  • File format must be .pdf, .doc, or .docx. Do not use a .pages file from a Mac.
  • Similarity Score should be no higher than 20%. If it is higher then revise your essay by removing some quotations and adding more original analysis and commentary.
  • Ensure you follow instructions carefully.
  • By Wednesday night Prof. Davis will assess your essay. To see brief comments and rubric, go to Grades > Ideal Society > View Feedback.

Final Research Project Rubric: My Ideal Society
/2 Format: cover page, abstract, references, margins, spacing, font, header
/3 Organization: intro with thesis, four bodies, conclusion; transitions to topic sentences
/4 Mechanics: grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling
/6 Argumentation: use of ” “s and citations, graph, detail, depth of thought, fluidness
/15 TOTAL.

Foreign Languages Homework Help