Foreign Languages Homework Help

Foreign Languages Homework Help. GERM 100 American Military University Week 2 Expression in Belgium Germany Discussion


For this forum, consider the places in the world where German is spoken today, including the ones discussed in our Lessons. Choose one place that interests you. Pick a city or region in Germany, Austria, or a German-speaking area in Switzerland, Belgium, Liechtenstein, or Luxembourg. Discuss at least three important elements of that city or region. Do a little research on the place of interest. Write at least 350 words in English, considering some of the following:
– What was your initial impression or stereotype of this culture before our Lesson?
– What other languages are spoken there?
– What sort of government exists?
– For what are they famous? What kind of art, architecture, and literature do they produce?
– What else new did you learn about this place?
Include some images (insert NOT attach), maps, sounds, and videos to illustrate and enliven your post.
Cite and fully reference all of your sources, including images, with the Author, Title & Date, include links, and put quotes around direct information that you borrow. Images also require copyright permission if they are not Creative Commons licensed or Public Domain.

Foreign Languages Homework Help