Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 5013 Texas Womens University Middle Range Theory Research Paper

Choose one grand or mid-range nursing theory. Locate at least two research articles that have used the theory and briefly share the studies with your colleagues.

Describe one clinical, educational, or leadership incident from your own repertoire of real, down-to-earth experiences that fits the theory. (I have experience in family medicine, trauma, orthopedics and I am currently a school nurse)

Review your colleagues’ chosen theories. Respond to one colleague and discuss how their theory may also fit into your world of experience (or not)

  • THIS IS THE BOOK WE USE: McEwen, M. & Wills, E. M. (2017) Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 97814963512
  • I have chosen Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory. This grand theory is made of multiple theories encompassed into one, this includes, theories of self-care, self-care deficits, and nursing systems. The SCDNT is defined as an art the practitioner gives special assistance to patients with disabilities which makes increased importance of meeting self-care needs to patients (McEwen & Willis, 2019). Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory considers each individual as a self-care agent with the ability to perform self-care tasks individually (Tok & Kasikci, 2020). A crucial issue in improving quality of life in patients with chronic illness is ensuring patient participation in their treatment and care (Tok & Kasikci, 2020). Self-care, defined as a regulatory function that is to supply or ensure the materials needed for continued life, growth and development of human integrity (McEwen & Willis, 2019).The first article contained a randomized, controlled, pretest/posttest experimental study was conducted between January 2015 and February 2017. The study population comprised patients with CAD from a cardiology clinic of a university and public hospital. One hundred and two patients, 51 of were assigned to the intervention group and 51 were assigned to the control group, were randomized according to gender, age (unmodifiable risk factors that increase the risk of CAD), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol level, and Self-Care Agency Scale score (Tok & Kasikci, 2020). The control group was not supplied with increased information and a training book and the experimental group was supplied with a training book on what to eat, to exercise, and to follow guidelines that improved self-care to determine if this would decrease cholesterol levels. At the end of the study it was found that based on Orem’s SCDNT increased the level of CAD-related awareness and improved lifestyle habits and disease risk factors decreased risk factors for CAD. Furthermore, the intervention was effective in improving self-care agency by increasing awareness of, ability to utilize, and ability to further enhance their self-care agency.In the second article, a case study of a client with type 2 diabetes was used to illustrate the use of Orem’s self-care deficit theory. Orem’s self-care deficit theory provided a theoretical framework to guide assistance of a client with diabetes to meet self-management requirements. In this article a lady named Stella was evaluated by a practitioner after she was referred to a specialist for a peripheral neuropathy in her legs. Stella was then asked to come up with goals for herself that would increase her care for herself thus decreasing her neuropathy by lowering her glucose levels caused from diabetes. It was noticed that Stella definitely had a self-care deficit as evidenced by her poor food choices, sedentary lifestyle, and successful management of her illness as a result of her increased knowledge was indicated by the following self-care actions: 1. Stella performed a blood glucose daily and her diary indicated an average blood sugar of 140. 2. Her food diary indicates food choices that support lower sugar levels. 3. At the 1-month follow-up visit with the CNS, Stella had lost a total of 7.6 pounds, exceeding her short-term goal. 4. Stella reports that the pain in her legs is improving. With increased knowledge came increased self-care for this patient provided by the practitioner working with her (Kumar, 2007). This proves Orem’s theory to be prevalent amongst nursing practice today.A clinical incident from my own experiences come into practice quite often. As an ER nurse teaching and discharge instructions are often. I do not know that I can recall just one event, however, I can recall many times when a patient has received news of a new diagnosis. As an RN and in the future as an FNP, teaching will become increasingly important. I go out of my way to teach the new medications they will be discharged with. I teach ways to decrease blood pressure, better foods to eat when it is diabetes or hypertension. I think this all goes hand in hand with attempting to exhibit Orem’s theory of self-care and to allow patients to perform better self-care in order to avoid further health issues.
  • .Kumar, C. P. (2007). Application of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory and Standardized Nursing Languages in a Case Study of a Woman with Diabetes. International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications, 18(3), 103–110.McEwen, M., & Wills, E.M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.Tok Yildiz, F., & Kasikci, M.(2020). Impact of Training Based on Orem’s Theory on Self-Care Agency and Quality of Life in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease. Journal of Nursing Research, 28(6), e125.

Health Medical Homework Help