Health Medical Homework Help. NURS 300 Module 2 Importance of the Patient Centered Care Discussion
Movie – The American Nurse
1) Utilize Readings and Resource Video to assist in findings library articles
2) Module 2 Movie Critique Assignment(10 points)
Assignment: Choose and watch a television show or movie that has nursing as a main focus. The SMSU McFarland library may be a source for a nursing movie. Also, the Truth About Nursing website may be a website to provide some ideas about movies/television shows related to nursing. The website is: Truth About Nursing(look for “Media Watch” in the website headings).
Assignment: Choose and watch a television show or movie that has nursing as a main focus. Critique the movie/show on the basis of the image of nursing presented:
- How would you describe the professional role of the nurse (educator, clinician, leader, activist, researcher)?
- How would you describe the nursing environment –was it realistic?
- How were the nurses portrayed -intelligent and/or educated?
- How were nurses addressed (language) by other characters?
- Would the nurses meet the standards for most honest and ethical practitioner?
- How would you describe the interprofessional collaboration found in the show or movie?
- What evidence was there of any other societal factors that have the potential to stimulate or squelch interest in nursing as a profession, as discussed in this week’s readings?
- How would you describe any evidence of workplace incivility?
- Did you find patient-centered care provided? –how or how not?
Points for Assignment (Rubric also found in Appendix A in NURS 300 Syllabus):
- 1 point for discussion of the professional role of the nurse in the show or movie.
- 1 point for discussion of the nursing environment, including setting, clothing/uniforms, medical supplies, etc.
- 1 point for discussion of the portrayal of the intelligence of nurses in the show or movie.
- 1 point for discussion regarding how nurses were addressed by others.
- 1 point for discussing if the nurse(s) portrayed in the show/movie would meet the standards for most honest and ethical practitioner.
- 1 point for discussion about any interprofessional collaboration found in the show or movie.
- 1 point for discussion of societal factors that have the potential to stimulate or squelch an interest in nursing.
- 1 point for discussion of any evidence of workplace incivility.
- 1 point for discussion about if patient-centered care was provided? –how or how not?