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Health Medical Homework Help. Grand Canyon University Evidence Based Practice Discussion


I need replies to my peers discussion posts, one reference each, only within the last 5 years 100 to 200 words each should be enough. I’ve included their discussions questions.

Question Topic DQ2

Discuss why EBP is an essential component of the practice of a BSN-prepared RN. Identify two ways in which you will continue to integrate evidence into your practice and encourage it within your work environment. What obstacles could challenge this plan, and what steps will you take to minimize their impact?

Discussion posts


EBP is an essential component of safe, quality patient care. Nurses must be aware of current practices to provide care to patients with complicated and debilitating conditions. Registered nurses (RN) deliver care to patients by applying validated interventions. In a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program, nurses learn about evidence-based practice (EBP), which aids them in pinpointing care strategies that can help their patients (Eastern Illinois university, 2018). In recent decades, EBP has become a key component of exceptional patient care Nursing students in an BSN-prepared RN are equipped with a research mind and ways to implement its strategies in the nursing practice.

EBP is recognized as a transformational force in healthcare (Eastern Michigan University, 2020). The education and experience I received from RN to BSN program has helped me tremendously in doing literature review, making a PICOT research question, and further steps in a quality improvement change project. I would keep an open mind to take in charge of any possible changes which could be implemented at my workplace. One way to facilitate any changes into practice is getting more people involved with the project. When staff are empowered with responsibilities, they tend to own the project. Secondly, I would conduct educational activities to bring awareness on the need for EBP and change of practice when it is needed.

The potential barriers include time limitations, resistance to EBP by work colleagues and nurse leaders/managers, lack of educational opportunities to develop knowledge and skills for EBP, lack of access to knowledgeable mentors, resources, and tools for EBP. Working in coalition with unit-based councils would give opportunity to bring awareness and education to the staff on the potential projects. Performance based recognitions would encourage the staff to take initiatives and to participate more actively. Relaying the outcome measures would help the nurses and health care team to have a positive attitude towards EBP initiatives (Eastern Michigan University, 2020).

Eastern Illinois university. (December 10, 2018). Why is Evidence-Based Practice in nursing so important? Why Is Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing so Important? (

Eastern Michigan University. (September 02, 2020). How Nurses Can Implement Evidence-Based Practice. How Nurses Can Implement Evidence-Based Practice (


A BSN-prepared RN requires the concept of EBP to ensure the application of evidence and research in the provision of care to patients and advice to colleagues. Integrating evidence use in the practice is a tall order due to the numerous obstacles that hinder its implementation. However, in my workplace, I will integrate the multifactorial measures by supplying my colleagues with the facts regarding reducing suicide-related deaths among inmates after implementing the measures in the correctional facilities (Camargo et al., 2018). Moreover, in the workplace, some people do not like to change and try out new things; therefore, as an advocate of EBP in healthcare, I will educate my colleagues to understand the effectiveness of evidence and research in the healthcare sector.

In spite of the movements to implement the EBP plans, various obstacles, such as resistance to change and lack of support from the management, make it challenging to realize the research goals in the shortest time. Human beings do not like change and often want the status quo to remain; therefore, resistance and lack of goodwill among the nurses is a significant obstacle to the success of an EBP project result (Barker et al., 2017). To ensure effective implementation of EBP, an individual needs various support from the management; however, it becomes challenging to realize the dreams and objectives of the project without financial and technical support. The steps to minimize the effects of the obstacles include education and organization of fairs to teach both the staff and management the importance of multifactorial measures in enhancing mental health among the inmates in the correctional facilities.


Camargo, F. C., Iwamoto, H. H., Galvão, C. M., Pereira, G. D. A., Andrade, R. B., & Masso, G. C. (2018). Competences and Barriers for the Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: an integrative review. Revista brasileira de enfermagem, 71(4), 2030-2038.

Barker, A. K., Brown, K., Siraj, D., Ahsan, M., Sengupta, S., & Safdar, N. (2017). Barriers and facilitators to infection control at a hospital in northern India: a qualitative study. Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Control, 6(1), 35.

Discussion Question 1

Dissemination of EBP and research, such as presenting results at a conference or writing an article for a journal, is an important part of professional practice. Identify one professional journal and one nursing or health care conference where you might present your project. Discuss why each of your choices is the best option for you to disseminate your new knowledge.

Discussion Posts


Dissemination of EBP and research is an essential part of nursing practice and appropriate platform for the dissemination is an integral part of this process. Association of Operating Room Nursers (AORN) surgical expo conference is a proper platform where I might present my practice change project. The annual conference of AORN provides a customizable learning experience where we can choose from over 100 sessions that align specifically to our professional role and topics that interest us. The sessions are presented by industry experts, esteemed researchers, and world-renowned speakers. Nurses get to present practice change projects and innovations by sharing and learning (AORN. Org, 2018).

The AORN Journal provides professional perioperative registered nurses with evidence-based practice information needed to help meet the physiological, behavioral, safety, and health system needs of a diverse patient population (AORN, 2021). This journal is a resourceful tool for nurses especially for perioperative nurses in their day-today practice. It provides vast variety of CE opportunities and educational and research materials. It offers the members the opportunities to write journals ensuring the quality of the journals written by peer reviewing facility. I would choose AORN journal to present any of my articles or project. (May 29, 2018). Research, Evidence‐Based Practice, Design/Concept, and Clinical Improvement/Innovation Posters. AORN Journal, 107(6), 672-683.

AORN. (2021). AORN journal. nn


The choice of a correct channel of distributing the EBP and research results is focal in the success of the EBP; therefore, an individual should use the modes of communication that can reach the majority of individuals in society. Presentation of EBP and research results in a conference or journal is an essential professional practice because it helps ascertain the authenticity of the research findings before it reaches the public domain. An EBP research project aims at bringing positive changes in the provision of health services to the community. While presenting my EBP and research findings on the effectiveness of multifactorial measures targeting improved mental health help reduce the incidences of suicide-related deaths among inmates, I may use the American Nurses Association (ANA) conferences and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) (SyberScribe, 2018). I consider the two platforms for this job because they are renowned disseminators of health information in the community; therefore, my work will get international and national attention.

Furthermore, I consider disseminating the information through JAMA because it ensures a mutual benefit for both the researchers and the users of findings. In addition, JAMA presents the physicians with an array of peer-reviewed articles on various health and medical topics that help keep them abreast of the development changes outside their field. I choose the ANA conference because it is the best platform that offers its members a perfect chance to display their EBP results for a wide range of viewers and help in fine-tuning the findings (Adams et al., 2018). Therefore, both the public and health fraternity will learn the importance of multifactorial measures targeting improved mental health in reducing suicide-related deaths among the inmates in correctional facilities.


SyberScribe. (2018). Top Twenty Medical Journals – Articles – Syberscribe. Retrieved from

Adams, J. M., Zimmermann, D., Cipriano, P. F., Pappas, S., & Batcheller, J. (2018). Improving the work life of health care workers: Building on nursing’s experience. Medical care, 56(1), 1-3.

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