Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NCSU The Iron Triangle of Healthcare Discussion


Chapter 12 Graded Assignment 1: Discussion Board: The Iron Triangle of Healthcare

Discussion Board Assignment Content: 

Chapter 12 of the text discusses cost, access, and quality as they relate to health care in the United States and how these factors contribute to the rapid growth of U.S. health care expenditures. In practice, the elements of cost, access, and quality are often referred to as the “Iron Triangle of Health Care.” These factors operate in a dynamic and complex manner and this triangle of factors is referred to as “iron” because it is generally difficult to have low cost, high quality, and equal/wide access to healthcare in the United States as it functions today. The Iron Triangle of Healthcare was first introduced by William Kissick in 1994 in his book Medicine’s Dilemmas: Infinite Needs Versus Finite Resources. In his book, Kissick pointed to the thought that cost, access, and quality cannot be simultaneously improved because to improve one or more would weaken another.

Using the Iron Triangle of Health Care theory as your guide as well as information gained from your text and additional research conducted using the internet, answer the following questions and post your responses in the required Chapter 12 discussion forum (be sure to include the question number with each respective response):

1. Briefly define cost as it pertains to healthcare. Identify two reasons for high health care costs in the United States.

2. Briefly define access as it pertains to healthcare. Identify two factors that contribute to access disparities in the United States.

3. Briefly define quality as it pertains to healthcare. Identify the three domains of healthcare quality in the United States.

4. Based on your additional research of the “Iron Triangle of Health Care” theory, do you agree with the fact that these three factors cannot be simultaneously improved because to improve one or more would weaken or compromise another? Why or why not?

5. When considering cost, access, and quality in health care, which do you personally feel should take priority with regards to improvement efforts in our current system? Why?

Assignment Details:

Information should come from your textbook, the Chp. 12 PowerPoint presentation, and additional research conducted on the internet.

Click on this link or use the Collaboration menu button to access the Ch. 12 Discussion Board.

Post an original post and respond to at least one (1) of your classmates’ posts.

Original posts and responses must be informative, accurate, thorough and complete. Research the topic first so you have something to say!

Do not plagiarize; summarize and paraphrase the information you research and use in this assignment.

Use correct grammar, punctuation and sentence structure.

View Rubric for the grading criteria for this assignment. 

Chapter 13 Graded Assignment 1: Discussion Board: Critical Policy Issues

Discussion Board Assignment Content:

The text discusses the fact health policy initiatives in the United States centrally focus on access to care, cost of care, and quality of care. It also points to several critical policy issues surrounding these broad themes.  After reading the text and reviewing the Chapter 13 PowerPoint, complete the following tasks:

Select two critical policy issues discussed in the text to focus on.

Be sure to clearly state the policy issues and include a brief summary of each one.

Tell why you think they are important/why you gravitate toward the selected policy issues.

Health Medical Homework Help