Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. NUR 501 STU Wk 5 Personhood Concepts & Defining Ourselves Response Discussion


Kenya Green

St Thomas University

Discussion 5


June 17, 2021

Personhood Discussion 5

Over the centuries, the personhood concept has been defined by different scholars having different ideas on its meaning. First, personhood concepts state how we

define ourselves as persons. Self-reflection, rationalism, and linking self-awareness across time and space through memory represent personhood (Sofronas et al., 2018).

Moreover, the personhood concept comprises intelligence because it allows one to act morally. While the ability to discern between persons and things is required to act

morally, objects are valued because they are desirable and valuable, whereas people have intrinsic value. Finally, in the twentieth century, personhood has been

associated with intelligence and self-awareness that is combined with the three interdependent cognitive abilities, which include: the ability to identify purposeful mental

states in others, use the correct language, and be conscious of everything one does (Sofronas et al., 2018).

Personhood has enlightened nursing researchers about its nature and influence on nurse-patient relationships and patient quality care. Personhood has been a

significant aspect of nursing care, and nurses’ understanding and engagement contribute to better patient outcomes (Sofronas et al., 2018). Patients can live well with

sickness, their symptoms are better managed, and they eventually have good health by incorporating personhood into nursing care practice; hence, personhood is critical

in the framework of nursing caring theory (Sofronas et al., 2018). Further, the nursing care philosophy focuses on nurturing, caring for, and growing people in care. As

defined by the nursing idea, caring is a nurse’s intentional and genuine presence with another person, acknowledged as living and growing in caring. Therefore, sharing

lived experiences enhances personhood (McCormack et al., 2021).

Personhood, or life rooted in caring, is a core notion in the philosophy of nursing as a caring profession. In essence, the nurse must decide whether to accept the

present or find a friendly way to decline it. Every nurse has the intentionality to consider incorporating personhood or leaving the enhancement of personhood

(McCormack et al., 2021). Notably, intentionality has a common characteristic with personhood, which involves unity through consciously integrating desire and purpose

and artistically growing unification, consistency, full consciousness, wholeness, and the creative development of one’s recognizable self (McCormack et al., 2021).

Personhood can also be enhanced in all embodied care relationships generated by a child’s trust, directed by a nurse’s intentionality, and affirmed by a family’s


Personhood concepts have shown evidence of their effectiveness in nursing care practice leading to successful patient quality care. Firstly, nurses’ personhood aids in

the development of compassionate and understanding attitudes, especially with aggressive behavior (Sofronas et al., 2018). In addition, nurses can link the life history of

patients, for instance, dementia patients, and their presents, resulting in improved care. Secondly, personhood allows nurses to practice patient-centered care skills such

as active listening, reading between the lines, and connecting with patients on a deep level in a patient-centered care setting (Sofronas et al., 2018). Hence, allowing a

solid relationship between patients and nurses, improving quality care.

Conversely, patients who show personhood might build a sense of self by valuing their words and actions, making it easier for nurses to provide treatment. Also, when

Personhood is incorporated into nursing care, it offers an opportunity for transformative styles of care (McCormack et al., 2021). Accordingly, personhood in nursing

counters prejudice perceptions, privileged Personhood, and citizens are respected (Sofronas et al., 2018). In conclusion, nurses’ expertise in working closely with patients

is encouraged to understand personhood. Personhood is essential in improving a patient’s quality of care. Therefore, it should be a priority in nurse’s care.


McCormack, B., McCance, T., Bulley, C., Brown, D., McMillan, A., & Martin, S. (Eds.). (2021). Fundamentals of person-centred healthcare practice. John Wiley & Sons.

Sofronas, M., Wright, D. K., & Carnevale, F. A. (2018). Personhood: An evolutionary concept analysis for nursing ethics, theory, practice, and research. In Nursing forum (Vol. 53, pp. 406-415). (Links to an external site.)

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