Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. The University of Alabama at Birmingham Practicum Experience Reflection



The purpose of assignment is to reflect on the practicum experience to identify activities that contribute to attainment of course outcomes. This assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achievement of:

CLO1: Apply advanced levels of executive judgment and systems thinking to lead the design, delivery, and evaluation of evidenced-based healthcare systems.

CLO 2: Demonstrate transformational leadership through effective collaboration, communication, and problem-solving to elevate the quality of healthcare outcomes.

CLO 3: Utilize best evidence and data to advocate for systems-level policy to enhance continuous improvement in safety metrics.


  1. Includes at least 250 words in the body of the post.
  2. Describes what you did and what you learned in practicum this week that contribute to further attainment of executive leadership knowledge, skills, and/or abilities (KSAs).
  3. Relates what you did or learned to attainment of specific course outcomes (CO) and briefly explain the relationship involved.
  4. Is error-free, grammatically correct, and mechanically sound.

My Activities:

1. Make presentation pertaining to PICO question:

Description: Applying advanced communication skills to identify a quality improvement initiative in a health care setting.

2. Present at quality meeting

Description: Collaborating with experts in practice using analytic methods to critically appraise research to determine best evidence for practice.

Health Medical Homework Help