Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Miami Dade College Legalizing Abortion Paragraphs Summary


I’m working on a social work writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Summarize these two paragraphs in bullet points:

“Legalizing abortion has a lot of controversies; legislation at state and federal levels has increased constraints on abortion, making it hard for the female gender to practice their reproductive rights. Social work’s commitment impels social workers to get involved in this issue to promote women’s human rights (Dominika, 2017). Social workers should be concerned with this issue regardless of their personal opinions concerning abortion. They can implement strategies that eliminate the existing policy against abortion and seek to eliminate the anti-abortion law when introduced. They need to establish policies that allow reproductive freedom for all women. Social workers advocating for reproductive freedom can make a difference in the current policies.

One way to advocate for reproductive freedom in all women is participation in email campaigns, whereby they will insist on reforms of the current policies and support access to abortion. Social workers can sign up for the email campaigns by participating in emails from the advocacy website to reform abortion policies. Furthermore, social workers can advocate for the abortion policy by calling the lawmakers directly and proposing the abortion policies. The lawmakers will consider the opinion of their constituents when deciding to vote for one of the bills. It is an effective way to reach lawmakers who are concerned about the issues in society. Another way for social workers to advocate for abortion policy at the micro-level is to educate people about reproductive health. They should provide information on reproductive health issues, including birth control. The education programs advocating for the abortion policy should emphasize the need to engage in social justice actively. To experience reproductive freedom, one must control oneself and make the right choices beneficial to themselves and their families. Social workers must lead in this practice because vulnerable groups face difficulties in advocating for this right.”

Health Medical Homework Help