Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. Neuroscience Learning by Robert Leamnson Article Reflection Paper


Read the article “Learning (Your First Job)” by Robert Leamnson. Then write a reflection (of at least 250 words) using the following questions as a guide.  

  1. Summarize some of the studying methods or behaviors that Leamnson describes as not helpful for learning or content mastery.
  2. Summarize some of the studying methods or behaviors that Leamnson describes as most helpful for learning or content mastery.
  3. Identify a course that you found particularly challenging. Why was it challenging? What did you do to try to overcome those challenges in that course or in future courses?
  4. As someone who has now been in college for several years, how have your study habits changed over time? What have you learned about studying and learning new content over the years?  
  5. What study habits do you employ to learn new material? Do you engage in passive behaviors? Do you cram before tests? Do you review content with a study partner or group? Do you verbalize what you are learning?
  6. How can you apply the information from this article to this course in order to ensure successful mastery of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology content?

Health Medical Homework Help