Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. SPV 430 CUNY Lehman College clinical Speech Pathology Questions


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Pleas bee familiar in clinical speech language pathology, SOAP notes and the types of speech disorders.

1.Under the ASHA code of ethics which statement violates the code:

a.After six weeks of treatment, you will no longer stutter.

b.This type of treatment has been successful with many individuals who exhibited problem similar to yours.

c.Based on diagnostic information I have, and what your level of motivation for change, the chances of improvement in your speech fluency are good.

d.Maintain accurate documentation of services rendered.

2.Which of the following is NOT a measurable behavioral objective?

  1. The child will learn to follow directives with prompts in 8/10 trials.
  2. The child will produce /s/ in initial position of words in 12/15 trials.
  3. The child will identify 10 farm animals with prompts in 8/10 trials.
  4. The client will elevate his tongue to the alveolar ridge in 4/5 trials.

3.To determine test-retest reliability:

  1. The results of the odd-numbered questions on a test are compared to the results of the even-number questions on a test.
  2. The same test would be administered to the same person more than one time.
  3. A different test would be administered to the same person a day after the first test was administered.
  4. The results of the first half of a test are compared to the results of the second half of the test.

4.Norm-referenced testing refers to which of the following:

  1. The process of measuring overall performance of a group of individuals on two tests that are compared.
  2. The process of measuring the performance of a group of individuals on a given subset of items on a test.
  3. The process of measuring performance of each test on a group of individuals so the average performance of that group can be determined.
  4. The process of measuring performances of different individuals on each test item on a test to look at different levels of performance.

5.A primary purpose of an initial interview between a speech-language pathologist and their client is to:

a.Complete paperwork necessary for billing or administrative purposes.

b.Establish a trusting rapport between client and clinician.

c.Establish the authority of the clinician.

d.Gain enough information about the client’s situation to eliminate the need for further discussion.

6.The written document summarizing your client’s progress during a therapy session is a:

a.SOAP note

b.Treatment Plan

c.Individual educational plan (IEP)

d.Individualize family service plan (IFSP)

7.It is essential that you consider your and your client’s cultural perspectives in order to:

a.Help your clients learn the correct way to respond to your questions.

b.Establish your own cultural values as a framework for your relationship with your clients.

c.Correctly interpret your clients’ verbal and nonverbal responses.

d.Identify the limitations of your clients’ belief system.

8.To engage in effective oral and written clinical communication, we should:

a.Avoid using technical language whenever possible.

b.Label people by terms that describe their impairment, such as stutterer or aphasic.

c.Use objective terms, such as observe or completed, rather than subjective terms such as appears or seemed.

d.A. and C.

9.What are the aspects of language that should be included in an assessment?



c.Reading, Writing and Literacy

d.All of the Above

10. A child in Early Intervention will have ….

a.Individual Educational Plan (IEP)

b.Managed Care Program

c.Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)

d.Long Term Care Program

TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS (2 points each)

  1. Norm-referenced tests compare a client’s performance to a pre-determined criterion. ___________________
  2. Dynamic Assessment includes a series of probes presented to evaluate the client’s ability to produce a behavior with a given amount of support. ______________________
  3. Counseling techniques are used most often only at the end of the sessions with clients. _________________
  4. The Individuals with Disabilities Act states that children who receive special education must spend as much time as possible with peers who receive special education. _______________
  5. In EBP (Evidenced-Based Practice), the strongest external evidence comes from high -quality experimental designs. _____________________
  6. ______________________is a loss or change in language functioning due to a stroke, brain tumor or traumatic brain injury.
  7. Name two stuttering modification techniques by Van Riper ______________________and _____________________________.
  8. ____________________________the test looks like it assesses the skill it claims to assess.
  9. ____________________________is to speak two language fluently.
  10. __________________________________Second language is acquired after the development of the first language.
  11. Write two receptive language goals.
  12. Write two expressive language goals
  13. List the three components when writing a behavioral objective (goal)
  14. Describe two methodologies that you learned this semester.
  15. Put a check next to the ones that are measurable verbs when goal writing.
  16. What is the difference between a formal standardize norm-referenced test and a criterion-referenced test?
  17. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages when collecting a case history?
  18. What is some information that you can get when collecting a language sample from a child?
  19. Name two cultural factor’s that may influence a person’s responses to interview questions.
  20. Describe two situations briefly that you think would violate the ASHA’s code of ethics.

Fill in the Blank (2 points each)

(5 points each)



Health Medical Homework Help