Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. BUC WK 3 The Act of Support Given to An Organization Discussion


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Ayyappa Kumar Kataari

Week 3 Discussio

Job satisfaction is one of the important aspects of our life. There are three main components of the attitude. Here, attitudes follow cognitive dissonance. The definition of cognitive dissonance is the inconsistency between two or more attitudes. It can also be the inconsistency between behavior and attitudes. Many individuals intended to minimize dissonance.

However, we can say that behavior follows different types of attitudes (Xue, 2015). The most-strong moderators of the attitudinal behavior relationships are the importance, accessibility, social pressures, correspondence to behavior, and direct personal experience.

Some of the major attitudes of jobs are as follows.

  • Job involvement
  • Job satisfaction
  • Psychological environment
  • Organizational commitment

Now, the question comes to our mind about job satisfaction. Well, job satisfaction is to get satisfaction in jobs. The candidate should look at whether the job is suitable for him or not. Other than that, the timing of the job also matters. The salary is also one of the important things which we cannot ignore. If you are working day and night and at the end of the month not receiving the salary properly, then there is no utility of doing the job. Another important thing is to maintain a cordial relationship with colleagues.

The impact of job dissatisfaction is to leave the organization. Another thing is not to be careful about anything (Zheng, 2017). An individual started to neglect everything. In a work, job satisfaction as well as dissatisfaction, both are there. One has to work wisely to work smoothly and to allow others also to work smoothly.

Getting job satisfaction is always not possible. It is mainly described as the positive feeling in evaluating the characteristics. There are five features in the job. Those are supervisor work the social setting of the organization, individual’s personality, and the payment. The researchers claimed that job satisfaction is one of the important features. It is very hard to get job satisfaction but still, people have to work. Positive feelings emphasize job satisfaction. On the other hand, negative feelings do the opposite. It emphasizes low job satisfaction. So, if we analyze all the factors then we can conclude that Elisa was not getting job satisfaction.

Despite the handsome salary, she was not satisfied with her work. Her low level of job satisfaction is related to the negative feelings towards her supervisor. Her supervisor didn’t allow her to take vacations. She was having casual leave. But as there is lots of work pressure, her vacations are denied. On the other hand, the supervisor’s love and care also show the core features of job satisfaction.

Theoretical evaluation and Counter Work Behavior gives us a picture of the deviant feature. The dissatisfied employees can leave the job or surf the internet without doing any productive work. Elias was facing a problem and so she was left with the option of choosing to respond to the low levels of job satisfaction (Chen, 2015). It was brought about by the negative involvement of leaving the office early and surfing the internet during office hours. The individual started to neglect their work.


Chen, I.-H., Brown, R., Bowers, B. J., & Chang, W.-Y. (2015). Work-to-family conflict as a mediator of the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 71(10), 2350–2363.

Dirlam, J., & Zheng, H. (2017). Job satisfaction developmental trajectories and health: A life course perspective. Social Science & Medicine (1982), 178, 95–103.

Xue, Ying. (2015). Racial and ethnic minority nurses’ job satisfaction in the U.S. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1).

Chethan Kumarreddy Kanchi


One of the concepts that I found to be of great importance during this week’s reading was on the causes of job satisfaction and the result of it. Job satisfaction is the feeling where one feels content with their job or certain aspects in the job such as the level of supervision and many or other aspects (Saari & Judge, 2004). Job satisfaction is very crucial as employees who have job satisfaction are seen to be the most productive and they therefore benefit the organization highly. It is therefore important to know the level of job satisfaction of one’s employees in an organization. An example of a main cause of job satisfaction is nature of the work and according to research, most employees are satisfied with their jobs when they can be able to tackle challenging tasks rather than being given the same simple tasks each and every time.

Another cause of job satisfaction is the relationship/interaction the employee has with the leaders such as supervisors as well as fellow workmates. When the employee notices that the supervisor is noting the good work and appreciating it, they will most likely be satisfied with the job. Another important factor that causes job satisfaction is the pay that an employee gets. If they receive a pay that is in line with the skills and their productivity, they will be satisfied with the job as their expectations have been met. Employees are also satisfied when they are in an environment that they can be able to grow and develop their career such as when they are offered promotions as well as get further training. The environmental condition of the workplace is also a contributing factor to job satisfaction. If employees work in a conducive atmosphere with great facilities, they will be satisfied.

Another cause of job satisfaction is based on the organization’s goals and objectives on the condition of whether they are in line with what the employee intends to achieve in the long run. There are very many positive outcomes of job satisfaction to an organization. For instance, the productivity of an employee will increase which results in an increase of the profits of the organization (Saari & Judge, 2004). The employee turnover rate can also go down if the employees are satisfied unless they find better opportunities elsewhere. Another outcome that results when there is high job satisfaction is a decreased rate of absenteeism of the employees. Moreover, when employees are satisfied, they are less likely to be engaged in unions since most of them deal with grievances. Whenever there is job dissatisfaction, an employee is likely to get distracted a lot which could result in them losing their concentration and in extreme cases, he/she may experience an accident while in the work place. Therefore, when an employee is satisfied, such incidents are less likely to occur.

When an employee is experiencing job dissatisfaction, they can express it in various ways if they cannot quit the job. In this case, there are various ways in which Elisa may express her low level of job satisfaction passively. Some of the negative passive ways that Elisa may response is through chronic abderitism due to dissatisfaction as she was supposed to go on a vacation. Elsa may also decide to come to work late as well as leave early when the working hours are not over yet. This is due to lack of interest in the work as she is not in great interaction with the supervisor due to the denial of her taking a vacation. Another negative way through which Elisa may react is through lack of interest in her work where she may begin to reduce the effort that she puts in.

Due to the reduced effort, the general productivity of the organization might be affected and the supervisor might take note. Another negative passive way in which Elisa may respond is through making consistent errors in her work due to lack of concentration and keenness. She was supposed to go on a vacation but now she is stuck at work and therefore her concentration may lower and she may start developing a bad attitude towards her work which may make her lose focus (Shahab & Nisa, 2014). In the case where the manager catches Elisa in a manifestation of workplace deviance, she may have to face very huge consequences. Workplace deviance carried out by an employee may likely influence another to act in the same way. Therefore, the manager may most likely have a talk with Elisa concerning her behavior and give her a warning so that she doesn’t repeat the same behavior. Elisa could also be at a risk of being suspended from work due to her behavior.


Saari, L. M., & Judge, T. A. (2004). Employee attitudes and job satisfaction. Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of Business Administration, The University of Michigan and in alliance with the Society of Human Resources Management, 43(4), 395-407.

Shahab, M. A., & Nisa, I. (2014). The influence of leadership and work attitudes toward job satisfaction and performance of employee. International Journal of Managerial Studies and Research, 2(5), 69-77.

Health Medical Homework Help