Health Medical Homework Help

Health Medical Homework Help. MBA 548 SUNY at Stony Brook Cultivating Leadership Expertise Analysis Paper


Part A.Generating a Leader’s Presence


Our readings this week encourage a self-aware, self-controlled, and mindful response to leading others. Recognizing our own strategies for regulating outbursts and avoidant behaviors can be helpful in constructing a mindful approach to leadership. Recollect an experience when you had to calm your anxiety or your ego’s concern? What strategies have you used to still your mind and emotional responses? how you are cultivating an observing mind—seeing events without getting wrapped up in the drama, accepting reality while not fighting it. Enlist the assistance of the week’s materials to substantiate and guide your reflection. A brief paper of 2 pages only


Part B.Cultivating Leadership Expertise



Self-awareness, self-regulation, and mindful leadership are essential aspects of cultivating leadership expertise. The argument goes—when a person claims a leadership identity and when that person consciously and conscientiously develops self-awareness, self-regulatory processes, and a calm mindful approach, this leader cultivates expertise. The evidence behind this argument supports that this expertise carries over to others within the organization. Self-awareness becomes a collective awareness. Self-regulatory processes inspire collective regulation. A mindful leader inspires others to be the great leaders they aspire to be. Leader identity and the development of leadership expertise become contagious.



Reflect upon your development as a leader and explore in a brief paper, 2-3 pages, about how conscientiously and consciously enhancing your leadership expertise has influenced the leader identity and leadership expertise of your colleagues. How have you as a leader influenced how others emerge as leaders?



Note: Please answer separately in one document, 2 pages for Part A and 2-3 pages for Part B excluding the cover and reference pages. Please do not forget the conclusion and references.

Health Medical Homework Help